Staying Motivated with 150+ to lose

Yo-yo dieter...that is me I do good for a little while then the next thing I know I am back to my bad habits and have gained not just some of the weight but the entire 70 pounds that I initially depressing there are times that I wonder is this even possible. I am morbidly obese with major back problems and sciatica so just moving sometimes is difficult. I have no real support system and let me be honest junk food is just easy.

I am determined to start yet again but I want to end the yo-yo dieting and really dieting al together...I just want to be healthy...I look at my son and notice that he has picked up the bad habits so I need to change this but I need a good support group to help me.

What are my biggest problems...time, money, self discipline when I am tired. With time it is the time to make the healthy food or I tend to eat salads all of the time and that gets old real fast. Also taking the time to log in and record my calories...this is very important for me because if I do not do this then I mindlessly eat too many calories and think oh this is not to much until I later look it up and realize I just blew the entire day ughhhh. Then we go to money...let's face it junk and processed food is just cheaper than healthy real food and goes bad a lot faster also. And finally self discipline I so need to work on this so this is really why I need some help from others to stay accountable to keep going until I reach my goal of a healthy weight what ever it may be.


  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    Motivation will not get you there. I am not motivated every day. You need to form habits. You need determination and discipline.

    Think about all the things you do whether you feel like it or not. Go to work, pay bills, say "no" to something you can't afford to buy. Brush your teeth. Run errands. You only have one body. You only have one life. Take care of it.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I lost 100 lbs, then gained all of it back, and am now working on losing it again.

    I found creating a community for weight lose support to be essential. I use the forums here and read and respond to posts. This helps me keep motivated. I also read health related articles.

    There's other things you can do, like create an image board of your goals or what you want to look like, etc and hang it in your bedroom so you see it every morning.

    Just counting calories is hard for long term weight lose. A supportive community will give you the mental support you need to over come those tough days.

    Another thought is to try losing 10% of your current weight, have a clear goal (like by January or something) and just work towards that. Having clear goals can make it easier and creating steps will help alot.

    You can also go on maintenance after reaching goals so that you are use to eating to maintain weight when you do lose the weight you want to.

    As you know, losing weight isn't as hard as keeping it off. Focus on healthy heating, healthy communities, and ways you can change your life to keep the weight off (ie a lifestyle change).