Looking for a motivation buddy

I would like to have a motivation buddy as I am working on a healthier lifestyle to help with my stress levels. I am on the 1200/cal/day plan (more if I exercise).

Since I have been working, I have had weight creep on and I am roughly 15 pounds from where I want to be. I exercise 5+ times a week and work at a desk job as an exec. I am already highly motivated and active, but I think having someone in a similar situation would be helpful to chat with.

Since stress is my main concern, I have been focusing on eliminating caffeine and sugar from my diet, but sometimes the caffeine blues set in. My husband is a big supporter but I don't want him to get the brunt of my frustrations when the dieting stress compounds with the work stress.

Any takers?


  • fposte2016
    fposte2016 Posts: 130 Member
    Well, I work a crazy hours stressful desk job and saw weight creep on when I started. I lost and regained it pre-baby and am now trying to lose that weight plus the baby weight. I'm also exercising about that much and eating around that much now (though I may up my calories if I find that the pace of the weight loss I'm shooting for is interfering with my overall commitment to this lifestyle). Feel free to add me!