How close to your calorie allowance do you get



  • FLBeachluvr
    FLBeachluvr Posts: 110 Member
    lmmilbert wrote: »
    I'm also 5'4 and 43 years old. I started out at 150 and have lost 6 pounds since Aug 1. However, my lowest intake is 1400 calories. On the days I work out (usually 4-5 days) I eat back all my exercise calories and have still managed to lose. Have you lost any weight with eating so little?

    "Work out" can mean many different things with vastly different calorie burns. For some "working out" could mean a walk for 30 minutes, for others it could mean jogging 10 miles.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I'm within 100 calories on the weekdays. On the weekends, I just try to stay within maintenance calories, which is over my daily goal by about 300.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    spitapot81 wrote: »
    This is interesting, most of you try to stick pretty close to target.

    I think I am too strict and normally stay about 250 under. I think maybe I should allow myself a few little extras to get closer to my allowance

    Your calorie allowance is your goal, it is not something you should seek to go below unless you know your logging is sloppy.
  • adamyovanovich
    adamyovanovich Posts: 163 Member
    I always stay under my goal of 2000, but make sure i eat at least 1750. I have went over twice due to some big family meals, but then i would go take a 30 minute walk afterwards to make up for it.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 427 Member
    Fifty above or below is fine with me
  • brittalexmoore
    brittalexmoore Posts: 15 Member
    I try to never go over. If I really want something but it'll take me over, I just won't eat it. It's hard but I'll feel really bad even if I go over by just 2 calories. My calorie goal is 1,440 and I usually hit 1,350.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I try to stay under a few hundred because i know i'm not perfect on measuring and worry if exercise calories are overestimated.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    tamatisk wrote: »
    Usually 100-200 calories below but it acts as a buffer in case my measurements are wrong. Occasionally over if I've had to eat out.

    This for me too

  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    edited August 2016
    Whoever eats the most and still loses weight wins. As my logging has gotten precise, I've learned to trust MFP and the calorie goal.