Multiple sclerosis warriors

Howdy I am an MS warrior. I am fighting the good fight against this disease. I was diagnosed 15 years ago and have run the gambit of depression all the way up to now fighting to get in shape. I am former Air force and Coast Guard, I used to be fairly fit. I let myself go and last September weighed in at 311 Lbs. My resting heart rate was in the high 90's I could not climb stairs with out assistance. I was killing myself. I realized the self destructive path I was on and made a change. Today I am 258 Lbs. on my way down to 225. My resting heart rate is in the low 60's and I have been removed from my blood pressure meds. I feel much better and most importantly I recover from relapses much faster. I also relapse far fewer times. I have learned that a good diet and moderate exercise are good form MS. Sadly summer still sucked, here in North Carolina the humidity was very hard on me but I kept on working. My point is if I can do this at 50 years old so can you and you will be better for it. Yes it is hard and yes our illness puts large stones in the row we are hoeing, but you can do it. You will feel so good about yourself once you start. REMEMBER YOU ARE A WARRIOR!


  • gocolts4418
    gocolts4418 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Birddawg67.... pleased to make your acquaintance! I have been diagnosed with MS since 1996..... Will be 20 years next month. I have also had my ups and downs with this baffling disease. I've found that keeping a positive attitude is imperative to beating MS! I spent the first few years after my diagnosis battling multiple exacerbations and feeling completely defeated. I have always been very active, played many sports and just be on the move , so allowing something to get in my way was just not acceptable! I eat healthy, exercise and keep my mind filled with positive thoughts. I have an amazing neurologist and she keeps me fine tuned.... Knock on wood, but it's been almost 14 years since my last exacerbation that required IV steroids. I have been very blessed. Congratulations on your weight loss! That is amazing! Good luck on your journey to better health! MS WILL NOT BE MY STORY!!! REFUSE TO BE DEFEATED!!!