picky eater!

la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
HI - please help! I'm struggling with finding things to eat that I actually like. I don't like very many veggies - some fruits. I'm also not a very good cook and I'm working a LOT...so the faster and easier, the better. How do people do it? I just need some motivation and ideas!!!


  • grandlinegirl
    grandlinegirl Posts: 49 Member
    I'm with you there. I'm very picky. I hate all veggies. In fact, I can't think of any offhand that I like! I've made due by sneaking veggies into other foods that I already like. I think, for me, it's the texture and the taste. So I grate carrots or zucchini into sauces. I use spinach a lot in recipes because it really has no taste and when it's wilted, it's like it's not even there!

    On the other hand, I love to cook so I spend a lot of time experimenting. If you need some quick ideas, try looking up the Sneaky Chef books. The books are for picky eaters and are full of recipes and tips for sneaking veggies into foods. They have a bunch of purees that you add to foods that don't change the taste at all. They're good for picky eaters to have on hand!
  • htbenitez
    htbenitez Posts: 14
    mee too....its hard to eat 1200 good calories a day............I like apples, cantaloupe, watermelon, corn, some broccoli.....no fish, not much candy or sweets, usually chicken.......should be easy to loose weight right? Post menopausal seems to be my downfall.....
  • grandlinegirl
    grandlinegirl Posts: 49 Member
    If you want, feel free to add me to get some ideas. Mosttt days I do okay, lol. I've also got a blog and I'm going to be posting good recipes I've found on there. Here: http://duchessofmuffin-top.blogspot.ca/
  • LisaWho32
    LisaWho32 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm with you! I've even gone to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to learn how to get over my 'food phobias!'

    I got used to certain foods growing up and now being 32, I have still been eating like a 10 year old and it can be terribly embarrassing sometimes - mostly in social situations.

    Now that I'm finally ready to attack my health and weight....I'm finding the same thing...can't cook and don't like anything.

    If you find anything helpful, please let me know!! At the moment, I'm under my daily calorie goal and not in a good way, in a 'I just don't know what I can eat' way!

    Good luck!!!
  • LisaWho32
    LisaWho32 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm with you there. I'm very picky. I hate all veggies. In fact, I can't think of any offhand that I like! I've made due by sneaking veggies into other foods that I already like. I think, for me, it's the texture and the taste. So I grate carrots or zucchini into sauces. I use spinach a lot in recipes because it really has no taste and when it's wilted, it's like it's not even there!

    On the other hand, I love to cook so I spend a lot of time experimenting. If you need some quick ideas, try looking up the Sneaky Chef books. The books are for picky eaters and are full of recipes and tips for sneaking veggies into foods. They have a bunch of purees that you add to foods that don't change the taste at all. They're good for picky eaters to have on hand!

    Oooooh Sneaky Chef, eh? That sounds interesting! I've had friends suggest cookbooks to me that they use for their kids - the same idea, to try to sneak vegetables inside other things. Someone suggested to me Annabel Karmel cookbooks. They are for parents to feed their picky eater kids, but I can't see why they wouldn't work for us...just in slightly bigger portions?
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks, ladies! To be honest, I have no idea how to add people as friends, so you'll have to do that for me! ;-) I'll have to look up the Sneaky Chef book! Could be an interesting option!
  • kenzie0884
    kenzie0884 Posts: 66 Member
    Can you just try switching things out for healthier alternatives? I switched my salad dressing and I'm saving like 100 cals per serving, plus sodium, and sugar are better as well. Tonight I made turkey burgers and switched the bun for sandwich thins and saved 200 cals. You can replace mayo with yogurt (I don't personally do that, but I hear it works well). You can replace cooking oil with applesauce (I have done that and it works well). Even just switching one type of meal out for another. I used to always eat something pre-packaged and frozen for lunch every day. Now I try to eat a salad, or a tuna sandwich, or peanut butter, banana on pita. Also brand names make a difference. Almost every Meijer brand product I purchase is packed with sodium (cheap flavor), but the Walmart brand, or name brands of the same item do not have as much sodium. Just pay attention. :) I know you said you don't cook much, but I actually started making a lot of things homemade and they turn out better, plus saves me so many calories.