Taking somebody's Rush virginity

BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
I have a friend who is ready to lose her Rush virginity but is unsure of where to start. Right now, she is getting advice on this from her boss, a mutual friend, and myself about which album she should listen to first.

Her boss is saying that she should start with 2112 because it's a great album and incredibly popular among Rush fans. Key words: Rush. Fans. Yes it is popular to those who already know and love the band but I have heard so many times by non-fans or casual fans "I just don't like long songs..." or "I don't get it..." (I hope you read those in a whiny voice, 'cause that's how I typed it.) She is also put off by longer songs at the time being which is why I'm apprehensive about starting her there.

Our mutual friend is suggesting that she starts at the beginning, at Rush. May I point out the obvious here? May I, pretty please? This album lacks Neil Peart. Yes, I like the album but I ♥ Neil Peart. Besides that, she might know one song on the album, which would be "Working Man."

In all my infinite wisdom, I was thinking the best place to start her out would actually be Moving Pictures. I believe she would at least know a few songs off of that album, including "Tom Sawyer," "Limelight," and maybe "Red Barchetta." Is it my favorite album? No. That would probably be Caress of Steel, or 2112, or A Farewell to Kings or maybe I just can't decide. But even if it isn't my favorite album, it might be a good one to give to a noob.

So, Rush fans, what do you guys think? What album or songs did you lose your Rush virginity to?


  • virgin.gif
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    Now it's working

  • BathtubBadger
    BathtubBadger Posts: 217 Member
    I lost my virginity to Fly By Night. And since the first time we never forget, that has become one of my favorite albuns.

    While I _personally_ LOVE earlier albums, such as Farewell to Kings and Hemispheres, I think the newer ones are also a bit more easily digested by newbies. I went to the Snakes and Arrows tour with a couple friends who had never listened to the band and they loved it.

  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    Yeah, I was hoping to start her off with one of the earlier albums. I was thinking Fly By Night too, but I was unsure.

    ps, I have a copy of Moving Pictures, so I can just leave it at her place with a box of condoms and a note saying "Have a great time losing your virginity!"
  • BathtubBadger
    BathtubBadger Posts: 217 Member

    Understanders will understand.
  • BathtubBadger
    BathtubBadger Posts: 217 Member
    Yeah, I was hoping to start her off with one of the earlier albums. I was thinking Fly By Night too, but I was unsure.

    ps, I have a copy of Moving Pictures, so I can just leave it at her place with a box of condoms and a note saying "Have a great time losing your virginity!"

    I wish I had you as a friend, my friends weren't that gentle and I was just a teenager :frown:
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    Yeah, I was hoping to start her off with one of the earlier albums. I was thinking Fly By Night too, but I was unsure.

    ps, I have a copy of Moving Pictures, so I can just leave it at her place with a box of condoms and a note saying "Have a great time losing your virginity!"

    I wish I had you as a friend, my friends weren't that gentle and I was just a teenager :frown:

    Not all friends would care enough to take your Rush virginity!

    ps, I love Finding My Way! Awesome song!
  • Now it's working

  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    Now it's working


    I won't be gentle when taking your Rush virginity...
  • Now it's working


    I won't be gentle when taking your Rush virginity...
    Promise? Me likey.
  • mdarrall
    mdarrall Posts: 8 Member
    Wow - a Rush thread dominated by women! Talk about stereotypes being shattered! So good to see this...

    I've been a Rush fan since 2112...in 1975. For starting someone out, I'd have to recommend either Moving Pictures or Permanent Waves. Anything earlier than those can be off-putting - long songs, Geddy still in screech-owl mode, fantasy lyrics, etc.

    With these two albums, you get everything that's Rush (complex music, great playing, literate thoughtful lyrics, a couple longer songs) in a much more digestible package and can then go in either direction.

  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Women listen to Rush...shocking. Next you'll tell me they like brutal death metal too.

    I have every Rush album(yes vinyl) up til Moving Pictures. Didn't like the direction they took after that. I like music that makes me want to fight, f&*%, or take my mind on an adventure...the albums after Moving Pictures did none of those things.
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    Wow - a Rush thread dominated by women! Talk about stereotypes being shattered! So good to see this...

    We are a rare breed! To be fair, JAD is just here for shenanigans and virgins.
    Geddy still in screech-owl mode

    I seriously LOL'd at this. I went through all of the their albums about a year or so ago and I totally understand what you mean by screech-owl mode. Before that, my friend gave me her albums which included Moving Pictures, Roll the Bones, Hold Your Fire, 2112, and Fly By Night. I was so limited. Such a sad existence!

    Thanks for the advice!
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    Mine was "Time Stand Still".....I had previously been exposed to stuff like "Fly By NIght" and "Tom Sawyer" but they bored me to tears. "Subdivisions" is great too, and "Dreamtime" is a favorite as well.

    I still go for "Time Stand Still" though....and I only recently found out that the chick singing backup was Aimee Mann from 'Til Tuesday (don't believe her solo career had started at that time.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't know how you think virgins work but when they're ready, they're ready and you should have been ready ahead of time. They tend to take matters into their own hands and seek out their own methods. She's probably online as we speak doing the deed herself with whatever Rush youtube material she just happened to run into after a late late night of drunken partying last night and waking up still drunk and curios. :smokin:
  • We are a rare breed! To be fair, JAD is just here for shenanigans and virgins.

    Hey, hey, I like Rush, too. You are talking about Paula Abdul's song, right? See I know GOOOOOOD music.
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    I don't know how you think virgins work but when they're ready, they're ready and you should have been ready ahead of time. They tend to take matters into their own hands and seek out their own methods. She's probably online as we speak doing the deed herself with whatever Rush youtube material she just happened to run into after a late late night of drunken partying last night and waking up still drunk and curios. :smokin:

    She expressed to me that she was scared. She wants me to be her first. I was so honored that I couldn't let her down. :smooched:
  • IronAddict86
    IronAddict86 Posts: 708
    I popped my Rush cherry to Hemispheres. But I reckon it may be just a bit too much for a newbie to handle. To start someone off I'd have to go for Moving Pictures. Obvious choice? **** yeah but Tom Sawyer is one of the best tracks to open any album ever & the album showcases enough of what makes Rush such a great band while being their most accessible too.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    you going to be gentle with mine if I derail with cat gifs?


  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    you going to be gentle with mine if I derail with cat gifs?



    NO. Do not do this to me right now, boxingkitteh. I promise I'll make a thread later that you can derail and post all kinds of kitteh gifs. I promise.