


  • berolcolour
    berolcolour Posts: 140 Member
    selina884 wrote: »
    I went from totally sedentary and overweight and completed this. It's tough, but it's doable. It's really worth it! I went through each week pushing myself to complete the three in a week, and I booked a 5k place at the end - that's worth doing too, you could pick something like a park run to keep your focus.

    Did you complete it within time or take longer?

    I gave up halfway - well because life took over but I can't deny that I was repeating weeks too.

    I did it in the time. Some were ugly and if I thought it was going to be hard I picked easier routes (downhill or flat). At the time I drove to work, and basically sat at a desk or sat at home and didn't do much. I was running around 12 min/mile when I finished, I've read about people doing it slower too. It's more about moving your body for that amount of time. My first 5k was 36 minutes. Still my proudest run!

    It's hard but I try not to let life get in the way, because I think health is so vital. I have had time away from running, but I love it now - I run 3 times a week and have only skipped that recently while on vacation or injured (I'm clumsy, so I sprained my ankle, not even while running!)

    Are you drinking enough water? I had to force myself to drink a pint of water before a run but it made a huge difference.
  • niblue
    niblue Posts: 339 Member
    I did it in time as well but probably would have struggled if I hadn't worked out prior to week 5 that I needed to run really slowly. Towards the end I'd done a few all-running 5K's by extending my sessions with the 1st one being something in the region of 37 minutes I think. By the end up C25K I had that down to a little under 35 minutes then it took another 3 months of regular running before I first broke 30 minutes for 5K. I know a few people who were under 30 minutes by the end of C25K but it's pretty rare - most are similar to myself or even a little slower.

    Another tip is to get a foam roller and use that to help ease any pain in calves etc. I also found that gentle cycling on rest days helped free up my legs.