Approaching 50.

I got fat once I got out of the navy. Im 5'10" and when I was discharged I weighed 194. I'm currently at 288. I have dropped about 30 pounds once before only to regain it.

I have started back at the gym, Treadmill for 25 mins and gradually going to increase. 1 1/2
mile logged last in 17:30 but kept going until 25 mins. Yes, I was only going 3.2 mph.
i'm also working out on the natulis equipments. Today is day 4 of hitting the gym.
Any recommendations for weight lifting, Dropping fat and building muscle tone would be

I have just started on a Herbalife 3 trial. I'm suppose to go back in for measurements again
in 3 more days. The shake Cookies and Creams actually tasted pretty good. I'm falling
the Herbalife instructions to a tea. Any advise would greatly be appreciated.