Who's the MFP champion? Who lost the most?



  • Project9
    Project9 Posts: 135
    Let's don't go all wonky or PC here peeps.

    I think the OP is just curious (as I would be) to know who on MFP has lost the most weight, not to crown any sort of "champion", and not to brand someone more or less of a "winner".

    We're all here. We're all trying. By very definition, that's absolutely great on everyone's part, so let's not get all bent over a simple (and genuine) question :)

    Namaste, Peace, Love, and Low-calorie Lollipops everyone.



    Thanks Wayne. If I'd found a data base here that listed the most weight lost on down, I probably wouldn't have posted this thread. However, I do feel that those who have achieved losing these great amount of weight are delighted to see and comment in a thread that is about them.
    Are some here jealous? OMG I hope not! don't be mad at these people for getting their 15 minutes of fame, be happy for them. I certainly am and I'm still my chubby and haven't lost one lb yet.
  • lcantrell65
    lcantrell65 Posts: 228 Member
    Perhaps the OP chose poorly when he/she used the word "champion", but I don't think anyone should have been offended by the question. I like knowing how much weight everyone has lost. I have a LOT of weight to lose. Some of the best "cheerleaders" on here had weight loss goals of less than 20 pounds. They are wonderful motivators and willing to give you a pat on the back when you deserve it and a kick in the rear when you need it. However, a person with a 20 pound weight loss goal rarely has the same medical conditions as the person needing to lose 100+. And worrying about fitting into a size 6 pair of jeans is a totally different emotional issue than worrying about fitting into a chair in some public place. I am not saying that one issue is bigger or smaller. They are just different. Sometimes it helps to talk with someone who has had to take a much longer journey to a healthy weight; someone who knows it might take you 2 years to reach your goal instead of 2 months. We all have something to offer whether we want to lose 5 lbs or 500 lbs. Sometimes it is just nice to know where a person is coming from.
  • Project9
    Project9 Posts: 135
    Perhaps the OP chose poorly when he/she used the word "champion", but I don't think anyone should have been offended by the question. I like knowing how much weight everyone has lost. I have a LOT of weight to lose. Some of the best "cheerleaders" on here had weight loss goals of less than 20 pounds. They are wonderful motivators and willing to give you a pat on the back when you deserve it and a kick in the rear when you need it. However, a person with a 20 pound weight loss goal rarely has the same medical conditions as the person needing to lose 100+. And worrying about fitting into a size 6 pair of jeans is a totally different emotional issue than worrying about fitting into a chair in some public place. I am not saying that one issue is bigger or smaller. They are just different. Sometimes it helps to talk with someone who has had to take a much longer journey to a healthy weight; someone who knows it might take you 2 years to reach your goal instead of 2 months. We all have something to offer whether we want to lose 5 lbs or 500 lbs. Sometimes it is just nice to know where a person is coming from.

    I'm going for a 34 lb loss. Once there, I'll reassess the situation. I set the goal as a 17 week journey. I figure that 2 lbs per week isn't too drastic when you average in the initial water weight loss the first week.

    With me that's usually about 5-6 lbs right off the first week, then comes the superglue we call fat which is much less. So I'm hoping for 29 lbs over 16 weeks = 1.8 lbs per week.
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