Blitzing the belly fat-success stories please?

Hey all. So I'm pretty much down to my target weight-2/3lbs to go which is nothing really right? Anyway my biggest issue is my 'spare tyre'. I'm 5'1 and currently 119lbs. I thought once I got closer to my target weight, the belly fat would start to come off but it's still not gone. I'm doing my best to cut down on carbs and sugar (you know abs are made in the kitchen and all that). I also strength train along with cardio and HIIT. I can see strong muscle starting to form around the top part of my core (around my ribs iykwim) but the mum tum flab is still there :( is the answer to just keep going....anyone else who was in a similar position that can re-assure me that I just need to keep going because it worked for them?
