


  • ChristineMcGrae
    My average calorie burn on my Polar RS200, when walking on my treadmill for 3 miles is on average around 270 or so. I do the same as you and every now and again job for a little while but mostly it is just a brisk walk.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    So instead of going to the gym last night. I walked almost 3 miles with my mother and aunt. I even jogged.. just a LITTLE but I did mix it up a couple times. I wore my cheap watch calorie tracker thing. Well it said that all I burned was 100 calories! UGH that sucks. I thought it would have been more than that. We, well I lol was walking at a fast pace and then mixed in the jogging a couple times. Today my upper legs and buttox are a little sore. But all it burned was a measley 100 calories. I enjoy doing that instead of going to the gym for cardio. But when I do the arc trainer, I burn close to 400 calories in 35 minutes. What a bummer

    I would say that your calorie tracker thing was wrong to be honest. One mile burns roughly 100 calories, so three miles would be 300 calories. It works no matter how fast you complete a mile. Three miles per hour completed = 300 calories, if you run at 6mph you would of course, do the three miles in 30 mins, still burning 300 calories, carry on for another three miles to run for an hour and you will have burned 600 calories.... I am rambling on and on and I can't seem to stop..... help......
