Struggle to drink water!!



  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    Drink it as soon as you wake up. Drink it whenever you have an empty stomach. Wait half an hour before eating. Also, being hydrated before eating dry food like bread, absorbent food like rice, or fibrous food like vegetables, can help with the digestion. However, drinking it at the same time as your meal or staight after, can dilute the stomach acid and cause bloating and indigestion.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    I add a little little bit of liquid juice.... like MIO, Crystal light or Dasani.... They are calorie free.
    They taste a lot so you don't need to add a lot.

    It's not the best but.....If a little makes you drink a lot of's better in the long run....after you'll get use to it...and can drop the liquid etc
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    I have the same problem! I drink a lot of sparkling water and non-caffeinated tea; they're easier to get down.
  • reneeisnowhere
    You don't have to drink pure water. Anything you drink besides alcohol can go toward your water intake hydration goals (as long as you keep your caffeine below 400-500mg) Count your soda, coffee, milk, juice and water toward your goal, just remember to also log the ones with calories in your food diary as well.

    this is what helped me realize what I was truly drinking enough.... I love my unsweetened iced tea!
  • homebrewer84128
    I found that at first it needed to be fresh and cold with a splash of flavor (not much just enough to convince my brain it wasn't water LOL) then I made goals that I could only eat if I drank a cup of water first, doing this made my hunger less and prepared my food for digestion. Cucumbers are refreshing sometimes but I don't like the floatees in my water. Hope these thoughts help you! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • janeinmia
    janeinmia Posts: 6 Member
    I find adding lemon to be very helpful, and water tastes better to me when it is cold.
  • OtakuMusician
    OtakuMusician Posts: 66 Member
    Also, for anyone who has problems drinking water because they have addictions to OTHER drinks, try this tip. I had an addiction to Pepsi (I drank 3 - 4 in a day), and I learned that if I ever have a craving for Pepsi, I drink water. Because after some time I'll soon be craving water instead. So instead of 3-4 Pepsi's, I'll be drinking 3-4 waters, on top of the 3-4 I was already drinking.
  • margebouvierx2
    Drink it as soon as you wake up. Drink it whenever you have an empty stomach. Wait half an hour before eating. Also, being hydrated before eating dry food like bread, absorbent food like rice, or fibrous food like vegetables, can help with the digestion. However, drinking it at the same time as your meal or staight after, can dilute the stomach acid and cause bloating and indigestion.

    This so true,
  • Katkamm77
    Katkamm77 Posts: 108 Member
    The water must be cold. I add a squirt or two of lemon, lime or orange juice (or a combination). Once in a blue moon I add Crystal Light (I really try to stay away from that).
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I don't like water either, I am at my goal weight and did it drinking green tea, coffee, regular tea. I know they say drink water but I didn't.
  • burbmama
    burbmama Posts: 51
    Do you not drink it because you don't like the taste...even though it really has no taste...? I don't like it because it really doesn't have a taste but my nutritionist told me something this week that I really hadn't thought of..not in the way she explained it. You really only "taste it", or anything for the matter, for the seconds...or even nano seconds that it is in your mouth (the visual she gave is much better). The nutritional value and the importance that water has on your body is so much more important then those few total moments a day.

    This was just something to think about if you don't like the "taste" of water...or anything

    I am not a big water drinker but I am making it a focus. I went shopping for a few water bottles that would fit my needs are were cute. They are easy to carry, fit the ice from my work and from my fridge at home, they fit my car cup holder. I take it everywhere. I find myself drinking from it more then I thought I would. Yesterday I would have guessed I had more than half a bottle left but when I went to take a drink, it was darn near empty.

    I also always keep one at work in case I for get my bottle, I keep a glass by my sink in my bathroom at home and try to drink a whole glass when I take my meds at night. I carry my bottle everywhere I go.
  • Vivian06703188
    Vivian06703188 Posts: 310 Member
    I recently found an article about why you should drink water when I saw you post I went and looked it up again. This convinced me to drink my water.

    There is a reason most diet ask you to drink plenty of water. One of the benefit of drinking water is that it helps you lose weight. Water suppresses your appetite so you don't eat as much. Drinking plenty of water also reduces fluid retention, because you body won't try and retain water if you drinking enough.

    Drinking water also help your body burn stored fat. If your not drinking enough water, your liver will be forced to help your kidneys detoxify your body. When you drink plenty of water your kidneys don't need the extra help, so you liver will be able to metabolize stored fat more efficiently. Drinking water flushes toxins from the body and prevents constipation. (which usually comes along with the increased fiber in a diet)

    Drinking water helps you keep young by adding moisture to your skin. Water lubricates your joints and reduces strain on the joints. Water carries oxygen to the cells in your body including muscles enabling them to work harder and longer without feeling tired.

    Water makes you smarter. It improves cognitive function. Drinking 8 to 10 cups of water per day ensures your brain gets all the oxygen it needs and can improve your levels of cognitive function up to 30%. It balances electrolytes allowing your nerves to relay messages to and from the brain.

    You have been given a lot of ways to get water in your system so I thought I would give you the reasons why.
  • degausser234
    degausser234 Posts: 157 Member
    I have a 750ml camelbak water bottle that I carry with my everywhere and sip on throughout the day. It is one of those where you have to bite at the rubber mouth piece to suck out the water, I find that this really helps me drink the daily amount of water we need.

    I suppose you can also try adding things to your water such as crystal light, but I would suggest only using half a packet when you add it to your water, since those can be high in sugar.

    You could also try writing on your water bottle in permanent marker. You could make it a goal to finish 4 cups of water (about 1 750ml water bottle) before noon. So you could maybe mark a line on your water bottle from top to bottom 8 am, 9 am, 10 am and 11 am at the bottom. Then you would mark again 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm to finish the other 4 cups of water.
    Here's a link to better describe it:

    Best of luck!
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    The suggestion that most liquids count and it doesn't have to be plain water is a good one.

    However (and this may not be popular or helpful) I find it hard to muster up sympathy for people who say they 'struggle' to drink pure, unpolluted water from a tap or bottle when 3.4 million people die every year in developing countries because they have to drink muddy disease ridden water from puddles that animals have tramped through and sewers lead into. Kind of puts the 'problem ' into perspective....
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    I always make sure to drink one cup of water before AND after every meal, so that it keeps me full. Try this!
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    it's hard to drink a lot of water. I am a coffee drinker myself. But gradually add it into your diet. Especially when you think you are hungry, drink some water. The body isn't very good about sending thirst signals. If you are still hungry after the water, add food. At first I would drink my coffee, then if I wanted a second cup, I told myself that I needed to drink 500 ml of water first. I drink my coffee black, too and it is my favorite beverage, bar none.
    And let's face it, after sucking wind when done with a treadmill or stair climber routine, it's easy to drink about a liter of water. I carry a bottle of water and refill it at the gym. I had to experiment with which bottled water tastes best, and am drinking Nestle's pure life. It is delicious. Also fuji water--very good! I once drunk Mountain Ice, but switched because Nestle's tasted better to me. Try different kinds. Also water purifier works well to improve the taste of tap water.
    It is my personal belief that anything that isn't water shouldn't count. I lose weight much easier when I drink the 8 glass minimum. After all, it doesn't say beverages at the bottom of the food chart.
    Good luck. Baby steps and you can do it.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    If it's the taste, get a Brita filter or use any number of the flavoring suggestions listed. My husband and I go through a 6-pack of Propel Zero every couple days, but we both have the heavy plastic water bottles that we refill regularly.

    If it's the texture, coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee. Or milk, orange juice, smoothies, tea, coconut water, etc. Liquids are Liquids. Some are better than others. Few are counter-productive. Personally, I don't list alcohol or pop as consumed liquids because they tend to make me feel more thirsty. Granted, I also don't list the walk-by's at the water cooler because I just chug a few cups and get back to work.

    If it's the sloshy feeling, you can eat moisture-rich foods. I can't think of any good examples. Smoothies, however, should help you avoid that.

    If you are truly not consuming more than 16 ounces of liquids everyday, you are either a lich or a small potted plant and you need to go away.
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    Get one of these.


    You'll find yourself absently drinking throughout the day. Just make sure you refill it regularly and you should have no problem getting your 64 oz per day.

    This. I have summer SAD, and keeping a cup with a straw and ice in it around at all times has saved my life.

    Keep plenty of ice in your water in summer, which will make it taste awesomely cool and refreshing. In winter, make yourself cups of caffeine free tea whenever you come in from the cold.

    If you have a desk job, drink water when you're bored. Empty your cup so you have an excuse to get up from your desk to get more.

    If you love spicy foods, eat something hot for lunch each day, and you'll drink more water because it's spicy.

    You know what's weird? I can taste the different flavors of water when I travel- the water in my apartment tastes different because of the old pipes, the water at a friend's place tastes different because it's well water, the water in the big city nearby we go to when we want an adventure tastes a certain way, etc. If you drink enough unflavored water, you can taste stuff like this and it's neat.

    If you want flavor, people have all kinds of options from adding lemon wedges or other fruits to adding MIO. Even diet soda is a source of fluid, although you might be concerned about the chemicals in it. A little of these usually goes a long way- I've been known to put 8oz of walmart's strawberry limeade in a 52 oz bottle of water and refill it twice when it's half full. Still tastes pretty yummy.
  • Willow_Raine
    Willow_Raine Posts: 56 Member
    I use the app "Water Your Body". I have 5 reminders a day to drink more water and keep me on track. You may also need more water than you think. This app will tell you exactly how much water will be the most beneficial for you. I didn't believe it when it said I needed almost 150 ounces per day, and it was hard to do in the beginning, but I found myself losing weight almost effortlessly when I drank the correct amount of water. When I cut back on the water I started retaining water and gained weight. I also found that I feel much better and more energized when I drink the amount I'm supposed to. I personally don't count my coffee, but I drink water, water with lemon, and very diluted green tea with raspberry leaves.

    I highly recommend the app. Not only does it have reminders, but it grades you on your performance, and I like getting "A's". :drinker: