Not new to MFP, but newly committed to my weight loss journey

Hey guys! My name is Emily and I am 27 years old and about 5'11. I've had MFP on and off of my phone for 3-4 years but I've never really been committed to losing weight. Recently, I stepped on the scales, saw that I was 262 lbs and made a pact with myself to do better. That day, I downloaded the Running for Weight Loss app and have started doing it 3x's per week. Being that I'm coming from a mostly sedentary lifestyle, these first two weeks have really sucked. Like, really really sucked. But, I'm sticking to it. I've even gotten my husband involved as a running buddy.

Now, both of us are totally out of shape (well, I suppose round is a shape but you know what I mean) and are having trouble even completing the workouts so we have been repeating days until we build some endurance. I've been doing research and trying to get a solid plan but there is a lot of conflicting information. Should we immediately change our diet or give our bodies time to adjust to the increased calorie expenditure? Should we keep repeating until we build some endurance and get more comfortable with the running or should we keep progressing even though it's discouraging to do so because we feel we can barely complete the exercises? Whats the best way to recover after a run: ice baths vs biofreeze and elevation?

As you see, we have lots of questions and are looking for some moral support from people experiencing a similar situation. This new endeavor is slightly complicated by the fact that I had ankle surgery (peroneal tendon rupture repair and fibular groove reconstruction) in March and am finally getting to where I can go a day without major ankle swelling (I was 100% nonweightbearing for 6 weeks after surgery).

I am a nurse working in a procedure lab, working long hours, wearing 20 lbs of lead for most of the day, and lots of standing. I want to be healthier for myself, as well as my patients. I find it hypocritical for us to tell them to lose weight to better their heart health when I'm not willing to do that myself. My goal is to get down to about 175 lbs.

I appreciate any moral support and tips that can be provided and I wish us all well on our weight loss journey.