Today is my 7th meatless day in a row. I dont miss eating meat but then again if someone offered me a steak or corned beef sandwich i might not turn it away, However i wont go out of my way to purchase meat in the grocery. Many go vegan not so much for the health benefits but because the idea of slaughtering animals is inhumane. With me its more about feeling better and eating right. So far its a so so . Cant come on like these dumb commercials trying to sell a product and say "hey there i feel fantastic i have loads of energy i am ready to conquer the world going vegan" Its not like that at all. Its too soon to tell before i can give you full feedback . Maybe others can post their testimonials about the pros and cons of going vegan


  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    I've thought about vegan, but really love dairy products - yogurt, ice cream and cheese especially. We do try to eat vegetarian once or twice a week, though.
  • healthyeating555
    losing weight is all i care about . It it helps in that sense im in if not im out
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    I originally did it for health benefits too, over many years, and came to appreciate where our foods originate from.
    My health has improved on many levels, including digestion, clear skin, energy, clarity of thought, positive outlook, desire to be outdoors, among other things. It feels balanced :)
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    I eat mostly strict vegetarian (exception for an adult birthday party yesterday!). I love eating vegan meals! Vegan style eating does not necessarily lead to weight loss though -- it is possible to overeat any yummy food . . .
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I thought that was vegetarian. I thought vegan was when you went one step further and didn't use any animal products at all. (Like lip balms that are bees wax based, etc)
  • lemonyslash
    lemonyslash Posts: 3 Member
    You're right, Joy_Joy_, the original post only refers no meat, which is only a vegetarian.
  • healthyeating555
    Really? Thats quite reassuring . How long did it take before you felt the results ?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Being vegan is a lifestyle choice that requires commitment. Also, it doesn't guarantee weight loss. If you are only considering becoming vegan to lose weight, in my opinion, you shouldn't bother. There are fat vegans and fat vegetarians.
  • healthyeating555
    The only drawback to the vegan products like meatless chicken burgers etc is that they are loaded with sodium as a substitute for the bad taste associated with these foods if sodium were not added. I think true vegan is raw vegan but not too many will go to that extreme
  • healthyeating555
    check out the labels on the back of the tasty vegan meats etc . Loaded with fat grams and loaded with sodium. Thats the big drawback. You are doing a good deed by not contributing to animal slaughter but does it help to tone down the waistline and prevent clogged arteries?
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm a vegan, and I love it, but I wouldn't last if I didn't have the belief system behind it that I do. Tons of delicious food that's widely available (often daily at work!) would sway me. There is tons of delicious vegan food, but you won't typically find it in the lunchroom at work. You said you would not turn down steak if offered to you--you may prefer being a flexitarian. That's someone who avoids meat but does not truly abstain.

    I can't say whether or not I get health benefits from eating this way, because it's been a part of my life for too long.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    Really? Thats quite reassuring . How long did it take before you felt the results ?

    When I cut out dairy I felt my airways and sinuses, eczema, clear up in a week.
    When I cut out gluten, my tummy bloat and tummy cramps went away in two days.
    Over a year eating lots of cooked vegetarian meals (meusli/berries/nuts, hummus/salad/wraps, bean/rice/veg) and counting calories I lost about 10kg
    Two months raw vegan made my eyes and skin brighter, more energy, and feelings of wellbeing and loss of water weight.
    My experience is that the more living foods you eat, the more alive you feel, but the less calories you eat the less you weigh. Good thing about fruit and veg is they are very satisfying (if you choose the ones you enjoy of course) :)
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    I've thought about vegan, but really love dairy products - yogurt, ice cream and cheese especially. We do try to eat vegetarian once or twice a week, though.

    How can you be vegetarian twice a week? You are either vegetarian/vegan or not?
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I've thought about vegan, but really love dairy products - yogurt, ice cream and cheese especially. We do try to eat vegetarian once or twice a week, though.

    How can you be vegetarian twice a week? You are either vegetarian/vegan or not?

    I'd agree with you except that the person said she tries to eat vegetarian, not be a vegetarian. So the person is eating vegetarian meals a couple of times a week, not identifying as a vegetarian.
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    I thought that was vegetarian. I thought vegan was when you went one step further and didn't use any animal products at all. (Like lip balms that are bees wax based, etc)

    joy_joy_ I'm a vegi but not a vegan but neither do I buy/wear animal by products and always try and buy ethical products that have not been tested on animals either. After 25 years though I'm pretty good at doing it.
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    I've thought about vegan, but really love dairy products - yogurt, ice cream and cheese especially. We do try to eat vegetarian once or twice a week, though.

    How can you be vegetarian twice a week? You are either vegetarian/vegan or not?

    I'd agree with you except that the person said (s)he tries to eat vegetarian, not be a vegetarian. So the person is eating vegetarian meals a couple of times a week, not identifying as a vegetarian.

    So you just don't put meat on your plate? I'd just class that as meat free days!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    losing weight is all i care about . It it helps in that sense im in if not im out
    Wouldn't a calorie deficit suffice then?
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I thought that was vegetarian. I thought vegan was when you went one step further and didn't use any animal products at all. (Like lip balms that are bees wax based, etc)

    You are correct.
  • VegePop
    VegePop Posts: 5 Member
    Contrarian has it right. Vegetarian or vegan doesn't automatically lead to weight loss.

    It's also pretty hard to be veggie when people around you are cooking up all the meaty foods you used to love. The prize you will get if you stick with it will be a longer and better quality life (I'm told).
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    So you just don't put meat on your plate? I'd just class that as meat free days!

    Yup, some people do call it having a meatless day. I think they are using vegetarian more as an adjective for the meals than anything else (like how Campbell's has to label their vegetarian soup vegetarian vegetable because the other vegetable soup has beef broth.) Asking for a vegetarian meal is just an easy descriptor.