Need To Lose Weight To Gain a Kidney

I'm losing weight so that I can be eligible for a kidney transplant. So far, I've lost 14 lbs, but I need to gt down under 200 at least - which is 21 pounds away. This is very important to me, and I'd appreciate all the support I can get.


  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 672 Member
    I had a kidney transplant back in 2000 and it's still going strong! I was on dialysis for a year and a half beforehand, and I lost at least 10 pounds from the dietary restrictions alone. I also kept active doing dance and theater during that time, and the surgeon commented on how much easier the healing process would be because of that.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    I'm having a little trouble with weight because I do peritoneal dialsysis, so I gain calories from the solution and the 1000 ml of fluid I have dwell in my abdomen during the day. Still, I think I've gotten the hang of it. My new love is Zumba, and the weight is just melting off!
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 672 Member
    It's awesome that you found something you enjoy! I did hemodialysis, which is fraught with its own pains, but as long as you watch your portions, you should be there in no time. I don't track lately because of serious financial issues and a bad living situation, but you can add me for support.
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    I had my kidney transplant in 1998 at the age of 16 and it's still going strong- knock on wood. (High fives, Vune!) I lost a great deal of weight due to the effects of the autoimmune illness that caused my kidney failure. After my transplant I gained a lot of weight back due to a number of factors; since then I've been reasonably healthy, but with more weight and less exercise than I know my doctors would be happy with. One of the major things that got me to commit to a lifestyle change was a piece of medical guidance I read stating that kidney transplant recipients are at a much higher risk for cardiovascular illness when compared to the general population. I figured it was best for me to get as many risk factors as I could for CVD down low.

    Any other kidney folks out there, give us a holler! And be friends with lucystacy, because she's the best.
  • alliemarie77
    alliemarie77 Posts: 378 Member
    You can add me! (-; I look forward to seeing you get your kidney, and getting to know you.