How often do you overeat?

I love food. I love trying new foods. I love low calorie foods like cucumbers, honey dew melons. I love decadent high calorie foods like cheesecake and anything salted caramel. I love protein foods like steak, turkey, fish. I will try any food that is put in front of me - even mushrooms which I don't like.

Every few months I have a meal where I just gorge myself silly. Last night was one of those nights. I was at a party where they made a ridiculous amount of steak. They had chicken and potato salad and other things. I had the potato salad and steak and some raw veggies and fruit. I regret eating the potato salad because it was not as good as the steak and probably could have eaten another piece of meat if I didn't eat the potato salad. If I had to guess I probably ate about 1.5-2 pounds of cooked steak. I topped it off a HUGE slice of chocolate cake.

I ate more than men who probably weigh over twice what I do. I ate more than a growing teenage boy. It was glorious. The beast inside by belly is happy for a few months.

How often do you let loose and just eat yourself silly? What are your favorite foods to overeat?


  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    I assume you mean truly overdoing it rather than just going over diet calories by a bit? Probably around once every couple of months. It usually involves copious amounts of alcohol and/or a holiday. I got up this morning to make our Sunday breakfast, and the smell of bacon had me thinking of my wife's homemade biscuits, which we haven't eaten in forever. I had this wonderful jar of honey I picked up on a recent trip staring at me and just begging for a biscuit. When I mentioned them to her, we agreed that Thanksgiving Day breakfast will include scratch biscuits and other traditional food we don't eat much anymore. Well, that and morning mimosas.

    The point is it's rare, and I have no guilt when we do.

    Haha! Yes - really overdoing it. It will probably take days for my body to deal with what is in my belly and intestines. I don't feel guilty at all!

  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I picked out 4 days a year as IDGAF days where I eat what I want in amounts I want and to hells with the sodium. Oddly, my BP was quite near the medical standard of "normal" (110/70) for nearly 2 weeks afterwards.

    These days help me mentally. I eat foods I don't eat all the time because of calories and/or high sodium count.
  • Syneea
    Syneea Posts: 451 Member
    Hmm I haven't had COPIUS amounts of food in a longgg time... I've had more calorically dense foods take me over goal sometimes than "a lot"'of food...The times that I've tried going IN on a couple of occasions made my stomach hurt from trying to stuff it. Lol I think though that part of the "over stuffed" feeling was purely mental, as I'm constantly thinking about my goal as I'm shoveling... My ultimate goal has a built in cushion that a part of me can't Wait to explore. :-)
  • TangledThread
    TangledThread Posts: 312 Member
    The really gorged feeling almost never. The next few days don't agree with me to the point I avoid doing it even on Thanksgiving.

    The lightly stuffed feeling I go for as often as I can, as much as two times a week. Lunch out with friends on Saturday and Sunday dinner with family. I really enjoy that happy, warm, but also heavy and uncomfortable full feeling that I get from eating 800-1200 calories in a sitting.

    Those two days I break fast with a large meal at 11am-noon and then enjoy the full feeling the rest of the day. I often come in under calories for the day because after I am just too full to eat.

    Eating this way agrees with me so much I've though about doing it during the work week too but haven't put in the effort to make a large lunch yet to test it out.

  • snerggly
    snerggly Posts: 112 Member
    I don't always overeat, but when I do it's usually Mexican food.

    oh my god me too, which is why I took a break from going out for Mexican food. We have a place 2 miles from my house that gives you free tortilla chips and salsa. I haven't eaten there in three weeks because it's too tempting to over indulge. When I go back there, which I am sure I will, I will ask for extra corn tortillas instead, use those to dip in salsa. Filling and less calories.
  • scorpcookie
    scorpcookie Posts: 113 Member
    edited August 2016
    For me, going to a buffet and Christmas time would probably fall into those categories.

    When I go to a buffet, I just have to try everything and tend to finish things off with a couple plates of desserts. That's pretty much what I did this week at a work function buffet, minus the couple plates of desserts, they took away the desserts while we were being entertained by the guest speaker for the evening, so I probably only had 1000-1500 calories of dessert instead of what would have surely been 3000+! Fortunately there aren't any real all you can eat places around here, only during special occasions like Mother's Day do any restaurants seem to offer that option.

    Then come Christmas time, there's always so much food and I just want to enjoy myself during that time of the year so I don't really hold back, which is probably why I always gain the most weight at that time of the year.

  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    I don't overeat. Nothing to do with calories, I just don't like the way I feel after I've eaten a lot. Plus I like having a flat belly and not being bloated or having that weighed down feeling.

    So I enjoy the foods that I love, but I learned to pace myself, plan (check out menus and the eats at events beforehand) and have any excess food for another meal (or two) or give it away if I had enough.

    Many times my eyes are bigger than my stomach, but physically I can't stuff myself anymore even when I want to.

    Coming from someone who used to eat anything I wanted whenever I wanted it for a long time, this is still a very strange feeling.

    I'm the same. I don't mind going over my calorie limit from time to time and I don't mind eating high calorie foods especially on special occasions or at a party. But I HATE that overstuffed feeling I get from eating too much food.
  • LVNF04
    LVNF04 Posts: 2,607 Member
    I don't overeat very often. Mainly because I feel physically terrible after doing so and it effects my ability to fit in tight jeans.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    edited August 2016
    My most recent overeat was intentional on my wedding anniversary of 7/22. Prior overeats were expressions of a bad habit of reaching into the box for more crunchy stuff because more crunchy stuff was in the box. That bad habit seems to have been broken, as in recent weeks I've not had an overeat like those earlier events. 7/22 was a big steak and shrimp dinner with a big cheesecake for desert. From the morning of 7/24 to now I've lost 13.8 lb, almost a stone, so it did no harm.
  • BigJes37
    BigJes37 Posts: 82 Member
    For me I'm strict 5 days a week weeks on end so when I do my body doesn't know what really to do with it so doesn't effect me much.

    Buffets of any kind get me!
  • bioklutz
    bioklutz Posts: 1,365 Member
    I'm Norwegian, and we have one expression for one-time overeating (forspise seg), like we do at Christmas and birthdays, and one expression for consistent overeating (overspising), which can be done at most or every meal, or by constant snacking/grazing. The latter is the real troublemaker, but the former gets the attention.

    I love that!

    It is interesting how different people are. It would take a LOT of food to make me physically feel terrible. Last nights feast didn't leave me feeling that way. In fact I had some leftover steak for lunch. Only a little over 4 ounces this time!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited August 2016
    Really never do this, I do not enjoy over eating at all. Even at Hibachi I still eat a lot, but not like eating like this.
    A full fledged out of control eating like this where I feel would feel fatigued, lethargic, extremely bloated, swollen from the ankles up and and really terrible the next day... AND moreover not be able to exercise to release me from what I did to myself... LOL... not for me this would take three days for me to recover.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    Overeat? Is it overeating if I want to eat it, and I can maintain my weight? ;)

    I actually slightly under-eat my estimated maintenance NEAT on most days, to allow for the occasional very indulge-y meal or day every week or two. I'll eat more on a special occasion (like a social event), but also indulge if I stay at/below the bottom end of my maintenance range for a bit.

    At my age (60), I know myself well enough to know that I'll want to eat or drink beyond (possibly well beyond) my daily calorie goal from time to time, so I allow for that. It's working so far, but I'm only 6-7 months into maintenance.

    Probable indulgences, when I indulge: Mexican food at my favorite restaurant, extra-portion pizza, adult bevs, gelato, extra nuts, extra amounts of chips/salsa, extra cheese, richer chocolates in a larger-than-usual quantity, extreme desserts (tiramisu, carrot cake, good-quality coconut cream pie, etc.) . . . .
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I got by weekly calories... I'd say I eat over maintenance 1-2 times a week. For me that usually means eating 2500-3000 calories - my TDEE is 2200 and I usually eat 1800 so it's really not a huge deal. It typically involves some dessert though, as it's pretty much the only thing that I can overeat on without feeling stuffed (well, except during PMS).
  • jrwms714
    jrwms714 Posts: 421 Member
    rainbow198 wrote: »
    I don't overeat. Nothing to do with calories, I just don't like the way I feel after I've eaten a lot. Plus I like having a flat belly and not being bloated or having that weighed down feeling.

    So I enjoy the foods that I love, but I learned to pace myself, plan (check out menus and the eats at events beforehand) and have any excess food for another meal (or two) or give it away if I had enough.

    Many times my eyes are bigger than my stomach, but physically I can't stuff myself anymore even when I want to.

    Coming from someone who used to eat anything I wanted whenever I wanted it for a long time, this is still a very strange feeling.

    This is me, too. Totally.