Period has stopped - calorie deficit for too long?

Hi and sorry for TMI.

In June I had my last period and haven't had one since (so missed July and August). I have taken a pregnancy test and it's negative. I have PCOS and missing periods used to be totally normal, they were all over the place before my initial weight loss and have been like clockwork for many months now. I'm getting plenty of iron from my diet, am not stressed or run down.
Have I been in a calorie deficit for too long? What other reasons are there for losing your period?

A bit of background:
Started with a nutritionist in November and lost 4kg before Christmas. I maintained at 73kg until Easter. Lost 8kg between April and July and am maintaining at 65kg now. I'm 171cm tall so my BMI is about 22.5 now. I am absolutely nowhere near as lean as bodybuilders or anything, I understand it's easy to lose it at a low body fat percentage but this doesn't apply to me.
This weight loss was achieved through a calorie deficit (eating 1400-1600 cals a day when dieting, a bit more when maintaining) and resistance training. I'm not big into cardio so that's sort of sporadic when I feel like it.
I go through phases with logging, losing and maintaining but it's not an issue, my relationship with food is fine and I don't have much trouble with the weight loss (I.e. My goal is not aggressive and I'm taking my time and enjoying being healthy and fit). I choose when I'm maintaining/losing and enjoy working out.
I've read that it's the length of time that you're in a deficit is what can affect your monthly cycle (as opposed to the actual deficit or workouts etc) but there have been so many weeks where I've eaten plenty of food without logging (eg on holidays) and getting enough calories (even when logging, hitting maintenance or more) so I really don't know.
Have a doctor's appointment made for next week so will get a blood test etc but am just wondering if anyone can spot anything in all this information for reasons as to why this happened or if it happened to you?
Many thanks!


  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Nothing about your deficit or BMI offers clues. I'm not knowledgeable about PCOS, though. IMHO, this is a question best put to your doctor.
  • a_kriste
    a_kriste Posts: 2 Member
    I'd say that it's the loss of 8kg. Obviously going to see your doctor is the best thing. I went through missing my period for a couple of months and the "start day" shifting by a couple of days. This was due to me doing lifting and even though I only lost a couple of kg over 2 months, it was enough of a change for my body simply because I wasn't this "light" since I was about 14yo! Your doctor will most likely tell you not to worry too much about it and see how you get on next month. If you've been worrying (I know taking the pregnancy test and waiting for the late period can get quite stressful) that can also add to the change in hormones etc.
  • foiensoi
    foiensoi Posts: 49 Member
    a_kriste wrote: »
    I'd say that it's the loss of 8kg. Obviously going to see your doctor is the best thing. I went through missing my period for a couple of months and the "start day" shifting by a couple of days. This was due to me doing lifting and even though I only lost a couple of kg over 2 months, it was enough of a change for my body simply because I wasn't this "light" since I was about 14yo! Your doctor will most likely tell you not to worry too much about it and see how you get on next month. If you've been worrying (I know taking the pregnancy test and waiting for the late period can get quite stressful) that can also add to the change in hormones etc.
    Thank you so much for a sympathetic and informative reply! I'm sure it's just the weight loss but that's really interesting to hear it can just come from weight lifting alone, the weight change was gradual but I suspected the strength training might have more to do with it, thanks!
  • CaptainJoy
    CaptainJoy Posts: 257 Member
    Is there another adult woman living with you now? I don't know why but women living in the same household tend to have menstral disturbances whereas their periods change to eventually coincide with one another.
  • foiensoi
    foiensoi Posts: 49 Member
    CaptainJoy wrote: »
    Is there another adult woman living with you now? I don't know why but women living in the same household tend to have menstral disturbances whereas their periods change to eventually coincide with one another.

    Well from June-July I've lived between two cities (my home and my family home) with a week at a friend's and another week abroad so haven't really been in a routine enough to coincide with anyone! :( Good thinking though!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yes, the deficit itself can cause this. A missing period is not always due to low body fat. FWIW, I have PCOS and now that I am leaner (mid 20s), my period disappears anytime my deficit exceeds 200-250 calories. I was most regular period-wise when I was at my heaviest.
  • knelson095
    knelson095 Posts: 254 Member
    I have pcos and also had sporadic periods. After I lost the first 20 lbs I started getting them regularly and had one every month since September, just on a longer cycle, about 35 days. I've now lost 55 lbs, been in a deficit for over a year now, but I missed July's period. It came back this month like normal. I think mine was caused by stress though, I had an impromptu trip home, driving by myself 2500 miles to make it to a funeral. Idk what to tell you, really, but just thought I'd chime in with my experience. Hopefully the dr visit will give some answers.
  • foiensoi
    foiensoi Posts: 49 Member
    Ladies thank you all so much for taking the time to reply with your experiences! It's funny, being told with PCOS To lose weight, and watching irregular periods become regular... only to then be missing them as I continue to watch what I eat!
    Thanks again everyone I feel better even just writing it all down and reading other people's experiences.
  • Gena575
    Gena575 Posts: 224 Member
    foiensoi wrote: »
    CaptainJoy wrote: »
    Is there another adult woman living with you now? I don't know why but women living in the same household tend to have menstral disturbances whereas their periods change to eventually coincide with one another.

    Well from June-July I've lived between two cities (my home and my family home) with a week at a friend's and another week abroad so haven't really been in a routine enough to coincide with anyone! :( Good thinking though!

    That's likely your answer right there. Your body decides every month "is this a good situation to reproduce in?" You were likely stressed a bit, off your sleep schedule and such. Couple that with the jerk that is PCOS and boom, missed period because your body withheld the egg(s). Still wise to chat with the Dr but likely they'll chalk it up as normal, even for a non-pcos woman.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    foiensoi wrote: »
    Ladies thank you all so much for taking the time to reply with your experiences! It's funny, being told with PCOS To lose weight, and watching irregular periods become regular... only to then be missing them as I continue to watch what I eat!
    Thanks again everyone I feel better even just writing it all down and reading other people's experiences.

    Aaah the joys of being a woman :mad:
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Sometimes women do not eat enough fat and oils. Are you getting enough of those in your diet?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    also if you work out too much(for example a lot of gymnasts have this issue) you also can get Amenorrhea,low body weight ,hormone imbalanaces,and other issues. It could be the pcos, but I would see a dr to be sure. it could be one thing or a combo of them.
  • foiensoi
    foiensoi Posts: 49 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Sometimes women do not eat enough fat and oils. Are you getting enough of those in your diet?
    50g or more every day, usually 25-35% fats!
    Gena575 wrote: »

    That's likely your answer right there. Your body decides every month "is this a good situation to reproduce in?" You were likely stressed a bit, off your sleep schedule and such. Couple that with the jerk that is PCOS and boom, missed period because your body withheld the egg(s). Still wise to chat with the Dr but likely they'll chalk it up as normal, even for a non-pcos woman.

    I should add that it's sort of like that all year round, I live abroad from my family home. I work freelance, travel a lot and my sleep pattern is never in a particular routine (I get plenty of sleep just never the same time from week to week) so the travel and changes and stuff don't seem to add up for me. I understand June maybe I was a bit stressed but I have literally been so relaxed for July and August, eating so well and not training too much so am still confused, thought she might reappear eventually by herself! Doctor tomorrow anyway, I'll fill all you lovely people in!
  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    If I am stressed, start a new diet, change my diet at all, change my exercise, lift too much, or be intimate too close to my start date, my period will mess up. I take vitex. It's an herbal supplement for women's hormones you can get at most herbal shops or vitamin shops and that regulates me. I went from having 3 a year to every 30-35 days.