Help I'm getting discouraged and need Support

Hey yall I'm starting to get discourage and need support as I have 30 pounds to lose just t get down to 200 pounds and I know I can do this I've done it before, I'm currently sitting at 228.6 and really wanting to get my weight and health under control before something serious happens. I've been doing much better at drinking water and less soda and that was a huge thing for me as I don't like to drink water but I have found a totally sugar free drink mix and I have since been drinking more water with that mixed in and as for my diet I've been working on eating more healthier meals and trying to watch what I eat for snacks and on the weekends. Please feel free to add me as a friend as I could really use the motivation and support as I work towards meeting my goal that I have set to meet by this time next year.


  • Tiffy822
    Tiffy822 Posts: 6 Member
    Just keep doing what you're doing! No pop less sugars make you feel better in General. That's how I started my journey. I'm at 266 and my goal is 200. I stopped pop altogether and just keep an eye out on what and how much I eat. I keep to my calories as much as I can, and just started a workout that I made for myself. You can do this too. (:
  • JDixon852019
    JDixon852019 Posts: 312 Member
    I used flavored seltzer water to quit soda.

    Some days are going to be better than others. Weighing your portions with a food scale to ensure accurate logging is VERY important. Always be honest with yourself with your logging and never feel guilty over food.