What do you prefer WW or My fitness pal? Seems silly to ask now that I type it



  • mylifebeginshere
    mylifebeginshere Posts: 2 Member
    I too have done WW and did well for awhile. What I found with MFP is that it brings WW sensible menus together with true nutritional needs. WW wants you to count points but MFP forces you to look at the larger picture and includes nutritional value of foods. So because of having to look at packaging closer, I am doing better on MFP than I ever did on WW. My energy level has gone up drastically and I have not wanted to eat out. I do love WW cook books they are the best!!!!
  • Pasomers1
    Pasomers1 Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2016
    I've done WW and Atkins, and I used their tools to track my progress. I like them both, but I prefer MFP because it tracks everything and is very easy to use. And, like some of the other people have already said, I think tracking calories is easier to do, in general. I should mention that I did WW back in 2001 and lost 35 pounds on the program. It was great, and I thought it was very easy to use (I went to the meetings for 10 weeks, and then just followed the program at home). I've also used Atkins twice to lose 10 pounds since then. However, as I have gotten older (in my 50's), WW and Atkins simply aren't working as well or as quickly. I've been struggling to lose 20 pounds for the past year, and even with MFP, and sticking to my diet plan, the weight is very slow to come off. The good news is that MFP really helps you focus on what you eat, making good food choices, and adding in exercise daily for overall health. I like the database of foods on MFP, and I find that I can easily track what I eat without worrying about calculating my points or carbs. Plus, I have changed my diet from following a strict program to eating organic, healthy whole foods, and adding in a sensible fitness program. MFP works well for me.
  • lyndawhite2010
    lyndawhite2010 Posts: 5 Member
    I was doing better on WW. But I don't have a smartphone so no apps for me. I do like it here though. It's a great tool that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. The thing about WW, for me, is that it does not take sodium into account. Since coming here I regularly go over my sodium goals. It's extremely difficult not to. So I am learning to whittle that down.
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    I've done both and did lose some weight with WW, here and there, but hands down I prefer MFP. This app makes it so easy to track everything and there aren't any products you feel you should buy to be successful. I thought I would miss the social aspect of WW, but I joined a weight loss challenge group here early on and they provide more support and encouragement than any WW group ever did. Successful people here on the boards are like leaders you can learn from and I'm always learning something new.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    The conversion to points is an extra step and makes things IMO more complicated than they need to be.