My job is going to be the death of me



  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I used to do this at work and it got me nowhere. I was working 60+/week and drowning.

    I decided to make a change one day and get back to basics. I focused on the critical 20% of my job, said NO to nearly everyone that was not mission critical, and restricted my work hours to a firm 40. I now get more accomplished as my work is focused. People at work are following this example and we are much more efficient and productive as a company. I calendar everything - including team work outs as we now have a small gym at work.

    Do not let work take advantage of your life.
  • kikkipoo
    kikkipoo Posts: 292 Member
    There is so much well thought out advice here. Thank you everyone. I do have vacation scheduled next week and even though I will be traveling I think the time away from work and refilling my social void with some dear friends and family will give me the boost to come back and take back control of my work life balance.