Utah Mom/Full time worker looking for buddy in weight loss

Hi folks! I've only been on this site a couple of weeks...at the discretion of my doctor who says I am border line high blood pressure. I suffer from sarcoidosis and have been overweight most all of my life. I realize I cannot be skinny but need to get into a better range so I can take care of my mom who has been recently diagnosed with dementia. I am drinking so much water I feel like I'm a lake! I have taken the dogs for walks nearly every day the past two weeks and have been within my calorie intake range. I cannot seem to budge from 245!!! This is ridiculous. Anyone know of a perfect food to flush the system or any suggestions what to eat or drink that will kick start this weight loss?
I appreciate any responses....best of luck to us all.


  • Kynzmomma09
    Kynzmomma09 Posts: 25 Member
    Im no expert but I would suggest increasing ur walks with ur dogs or change ur workout routine up and throw in something different every other night or so... Also, are u making healthier choices when it comes to what calories ur consuming? are u getting in ur fruits and veggies? If u want, u can add me.. I have a friend whos lost 90 lbs and kept it off for 2 yrs!! She would definetly be able to help u. she also has a group on Facebook called Run With Me, lots of inspiration!! Good luck!
  • mkrug01
    mkrug01 Posts: 1
    Good luck on your weight loss. Take each meal and snack at a time. Have realistic expectations. Do you keep a journal of what you are consuming?

    I have been taking baby steps and try to walk at least 20 minutes each day. I would like to ramp up that time to 30 minutes.

    I just took my measurements and I am floored how big I am. I am 5'1" and weigh now I weigh this morning 174.6. I am down from 180 pounds.

    I will be a buddy in your weight loss.

    I want to meet with a Dietician in the next 3 weeks. I will be traveling for work so I have to wait until I get home and meet with a Dietician.

    Also, some medications can have an impact on your weight loss. You don't want high blood pressure. This is considered the silent killer. I have high cholesterol and I just was put on medication but I want to lose 2 pounds each week.

    I need a support system. too.
