lifting with hip injury

I want to lift but I need surgery on my hip. Any chance anyone has a routine or hints/tricks for adapting to an injury?


  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Cherimoose wrote: »
    Ask your doctor, an orthopedist, or a physical therapist. Following generic advice on the web could make your problems worse.. even if it worked for someone else. :+1:

    This. You need someone to get advice from that knows specifically what your injury and limitations are.

    Please be careful trying to work around an injury (especially something like a hip that effects a ton of movements). When people try to be "beasts" and continue working out around stuff like this, they just end up creating terrible imbalances in their body which eventually break them down and create tons of issues. Be smart. Get your body fixed and then continue onto your goals.
  • HamsterManV2
    HamsterManV2 Posts: 449 Member
    edited August 2016
    There are tons of exercises for the same body part, you can find some that work the area in question without further damaging yourself (usually work with a good PT).

    I.e. back when I had hip impingement, I could not squat. I could do:
    • Bulgarian Split Squat
    • Weighted Lunges
    • Step Ups (weighted and unweighted)
    • Trap Bar Deadlift
    • Barbell Hip Thrust

      All these worked my quads, hamstrings, and glutes without any hip issues, and some like the trap bar deadlift and Bulgarian split squat could get loaded very heavily if I desired.

      Find what you can do, and work around the injury.