Looking for pals

Hey guys!

I'm looking to connect with people who are looking to get healthy. I'm currently focusing on being active (learning more about weights, bodyweight and yoga) and preparing my own meals. Weight loss isn't my main focus right now as I am focusing on getting my IBS under control (suuuper fun) and figuring out what has caused it. However, I wouldn't be mad if I happen to drop some weight along the way, and it will be a focus in the future. I am currently 5'2 and 163 pounds (I think).

I'd love to connect with people who are into doing challenges. I am currently in a StepBet challenge, and will be beginning a 30 day no alcohol challenge starting September 6th. If anyone has Fitbit feel free to add me: https://www.fitbit.com/user/4W6W88
