Working parents - what's your workout schedule look like?



  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    The night owl that I am I do a cardio workout around 10pm. My current schedule is up at 6:00 (realistically I don't actually get up until 6:45...I hate mornings LOL), get myself and kids out the door by 7:30, my son has to be to school by 7:45 but can't let the girls out until 8:00. Takes me 45 min to an hour to get to work, work until 5 or 5:15, 4 days a week I race to daycare, grab the kids and rush home so my son can change for football. He has to be to practice by 6 pm. He practices until 8:30, and while I could fit in a walk or run daughters would complain the entire time and's just easier to wait. By the time we get home and I get the kids in bed it's probably 9:30, hence the 10:00 workout. I'm usually in bed by midnight.

    I need to work on a strength training routine...
  • aliblain
    aliblain Posts: 175 Member
    I've been doing 30 day shred after the children are in bed. My baby wakes every 30 mins in the evening so I literally run downstairs, do the workout (with no cool down) and then she starts crying for me again! I did Insanity the other night but knackered my ankles and I haven't been able to do anything high impact for over a week.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Currently I get home from work at 5pm, shove some food (prepped on Sunday) down, throw on my gym clothes, pick up my son from football at 6pm, take him home, and hit the gym by 6:30pm. My kids are preteens, so that does make it easier, but my gym also has child care and a youth wellness area, so I've always been able to make it work. I'm home by 8pm for homework and food prep for the next day's breakfast. I used to feel like I needed a break and it was too much, but at this point it's just a habit. It's what we do. When I do take a rest day, I feel like I should be doing something productive.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I get up 30 min before them during the week and fit in a quick workout...I walk at lunch...for my evening workout I will either workout while watching tv if it's a printed workout like darebee, or I will just wait until 9pm and kick them off the tv to do my video workouts...I try to be in bed by 10pm...

    This would be an "average" day...some days if we get home from events late at night, then workouts just get skipped or shifted to the next day or sometimes shifted to a weekend when I don't have work taking up my time.
  • musicfanlh
    musicfanlh Posts: 13 Member
    My goal is to workout 3xs 30 mins a week. Since returning to work I haven't worked out at all. :( I am a night owl but don't like to work out in the evening since it makes me so energized. Here's to my morning workout starting tommorrow morning. :#
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    My alarm goes off at 3:30, I'm up by 3:45. Mon-Fri before work to spin and lift. I go to bed 10:30-11:00, because I have lots to get done (laundry, dishes, cleaning) after the kids go to bed and still want some down time. I teach, so my job isn't particularly strenuous, and I catch up on sleep on the weekends.
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    Dang @Imjohnson110, that's impressive! Such little sleep. I truly wish I could function on just 3.5 hours sleep. Superwoman!
  • Nicki_pick
    Nicki_pick Posts: 81 Member
    @musicfanlh, I understand! In a perfect world I'd work out around 6:30 pm for an hour. Early enough so that I'd have time to wind down before bed. I hate waking up extra early - I started to this past week, but had a terrible bout of insomnia and by Friday was too tanked to continue. We'll see how this week goes.
    That's a great goal to start with though - you can do it!!! Make sure you get to bed at a good time if you plan on getting up earlier young lady :wink: Gotta take care of your self sweets! :smile: