Let's Share Our Journeys

Feel free to add me or simply put "add" if you want to motivate one another and share our progress together... I have no social media and would love to stay in contact with other beautiful people and watch us become better!!



  • Jolenetaylor5513
    Jolenetaylor5513 Posts: 226 Member
  • Jolenetaylor5513
    Jolenetaylor5513 Posts: 226 Member
    I have currently lost 20 pounds in 2 and a half weeks
  • eightdozenroses
    eightdozenroses Posts: 5 Member

    I have 22 pounds to lose, I'm a mother and grandmother. Would love to be friends.
  • oearl20
    oearl20 Posts: 20 Member
    I just started last week. Really last Tuesday but since I started I have lost 12 pounds. Been the same weight now for two days. Maybe something I am eating not sure but I am not stopping. Even started to wake up to cook breakfast and I have prepped food for at work. I feel I am doing great. When I do eat bad I am eating good choices like salads and protein. I cant explain how shocked I am by the lost so far but I hope to lose 57 more pounds. I want to go to Florida in February and Costa Rica in 2018 for my bestie wedding. Wish me luck yall =)!