Over 300lbs and trying to get fit



  • gettingalifemfp
    gettingalifemfp Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 34, 5'7 & 312. Profile pic is my senior English Bulldog.
    Single mom & basically my support system is myself, and I think I could be successful with some external positivity & faith.
    I'm a bit shy lol

  • cybarnes123
    cybarnes123 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I'm trying to lose weight too. I have tried to do it before in the past and was never successful. I guess my biggest issue was seeing a change in my body but it wouldn't reflect on the scale. I have hit my heaviest at 320. I'm now 300. I'm starting my journey again and I will succeed this time. It is stressful but we all can do it. I just need to not lose focus.
  • You guys are awesome! We can do this!!
  • 4everstrong1
    4everstrong1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there :))
    Sent you a friend request ;) i'm trying to lose about 30 pounds that i gained in the past year and a half :)) i would love to have more friends so feel free to add me everyone.
    We can do this :D
  • vnb_208
    vnb_208 Posts: 1,359 Member
    edited September 2016
    This is my probably 100th time trying to get fit this time I am really motivated myfitnesspal as well as my fitbit have me with a 23 days eating healthy & exercising! I'm looking for supportive friends that are willing to give great support and advice please send a friend request!
  • WSOX37
    WSOX37 Posts: 1,611 Member
  • KittyInBoots
    KittyInBoots Posts: 226 Member
    i started at 267 - I guessed I was 275 and fearful of stepping on the scale... so when I did, I was relieved in a sad way but horrified in another... but anyways! I am down to 207 just by being on here. I can honestly say this works and I know you can do this! Stick to it, create your personal support system with friends, be honest, and you will succeed!

    I will send you an add!
  • txfyreflye
    txfyreflye Posts: 91 Member
    I am currently 309lbs and trying to get fit and weight around 200, would love to meet some people and connect that are on the same journey, or have been on this journey. Let's be friends!

    I was 380 pounds three years ago and am down to 240 now. I am a food addict who wanted some help by bearing my soul and not hiding my addiction. Bad move on my part. But just hang in there. If I can do it you can do it.

    Though today, after the crap I went through for bearing my soul, I did get myself a couple slices of Little Caesars Pizza and some bacon cheese bites.

    Oh well.
  • michael_jordan7
    michael_jordan7 Posts: 176 Member
    You can do it! I started at 330 lbs in February of 2015 and have been down to 200 lbs in April, currently in the 215 lbs range. Just find some healthy foods you can eat and ENJOY, and find an exercise that you can look forward to doing, keep at it and you'll be amazed!
  • Hello! I weighed 321 at ny heaviest. Today I am 307. I want to weight 170...we can do this!!!
  • sactownclown
    sactownclown Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. I'm Konrad and at my heaviest I was 319. Now I am 297 and trying to reach my first goal of 250 by February 2017 I am pretty new here and need some friends for motivation!
  • Can't wait to have you all as motivation, and return the favor if you ever need it! You all are great!
  • lla2574
    lla2574 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I'm a 22 year old female from Missouri. I've been in college for 4 years working on getting my Bachelors Degree in Nursing. I transferred from community college to university and gained all my weight back that took me 3 years to lose. I also stopped smoking and picked up some old bad eating habits I had in high school. I well over 300lbs now and I have a similar goal as you do and hope we can be friends! I need some motivational friends and I would be pleased to be yours as well as need be