30-Day Water Challenge

bakers_man_88 Posts: 7 Member
I just got done reading an article about a group of people who drank nothing but water for 30 days and all the health benefits that came with it - clearer skin, fewer headaches, better concentration, better functioning liver and kidneys, the list goes on. I know this is hardly news, but it really inspired me, and now I'm wondering if anyone would like to join me in a challenge to cut out all liquids EXCEPT water for the entire month of September. Starting Thursday, 1 Sept, cut out ALL : coffee, tea, energy drinks, juice, milk, sodas, even water additives (MiO, Crystal Light, etc).

NOTE: While you are welcome to do THE 30-Day Water Challenge wherein you drink an entire gallon of water every day for a month (please research risks!) you are not required to in order to participate in this challenge.


  • grammageegee
    grammageegee Posts: 78 Member
    No milk in my cereal?

  • bakers_man_88
    bakers_man_88 Posts: 7 Member
    edited August 2016
    Nope. Believe it or not, milk is going to be my hardest to give up, I was practically raised on a dairy farm!