Does eating less get easier?



  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    Concur with DrEnalg. I have maintained for >3 years now, and it has been reasonably easy. I like what i eat and i eat what I like - within reason and with portion control. I don't worry about vacation, or eating a pint of super premium ice cream because I only do it once or twice a year. But i have to keep an eye on it to make sure i don't creep back up. When i gain a few pounds, i lose a few pounds. With dedication, you will get there.
  • indiacaitlin
    indiacaitlin Posts: 691 Member
    It does get easier as you get more used to it, if you feel yourself needing a snack just go for some veggies - keep carrot/cucumber etc in the fridge ready to just grab if you really really need to!
  • HazyEyes93
    HazyEyes93 Posts: 89 Member
    YES. the first week or two can be absolutely hellish. But, if you're anything like me, you have an almost addictive dependence on food. I'm on my third week, and I eat the same things every day, which I know doesn't work for everyone, but I now get hungry right on cue and I've started thinking of food as fuel rather than a hobby. But you will still have bad days and that's okay, just have a plan for how to handle them. I'll usually have a maintenance day on hard days and there's nothing wrong with that, at least you'll still be in control.