We hold the key to our happiness

What is the old saying, If I knew then what I know now is so true. We as human being become slaves to are ways of thinking. We get held back, just by our way of thinking. I'm not young anymore, but I know that anything I've put my mind to, I can do it. I know I make it sound easy, but it is. So many times I've found myself beating myself up over doing something or not doing it. Then proceed to try and blame my decision on someone other than me. Years ago I found that if I made a decision to do something I got it done. 20 or 30 years ago I was pretty angry I'd wake up unhappy, the first thing bad that happened, I'd say I knew it was going to be a bad day.

One day I pick up a book, I think it was(Get your but, out of the way) that told me to look in the mirror and tell myself it was going to be a great day(then smile at myself). At first it was hard, but it got easier. Many years later, nothing really gets me down. But I'm hoping I can pass this on to others that think they are hopeless. There are people out here that care and want you to succeed. We hold that key to our happiness and just look in that mirror and say this is for me. I need to do this for myself.

Don't carry all that negative stuff from years past. We've all had people say and do bad things to us. You know who you are and what you stand for, don't let them get under your skin. To this day if someone tells me something they don't like about me, I say thanks. Then go about my day,(A little story) one day a coworker told me yrs. ago that I was to happy all time. That same guy walked around all day looking like he had been sucking on lemons and the whole world was on his shoulders. I thought is that what I use to look like? So I continue to be nice to him, one day he told me you know your alright. So even to this day if I see him he will stop and talk to me.

So if you feel the need to do something for yourself look in the mirror and say I'm doing this for me. It only takes 1sec. to make that decision, YOU HOLD THAT KEY. Sorry that I was so long winded, but I think someone needed to read it.