Trying not to obsess

Hey All!
I'm on about day 16 of my strict workout/eat within 1200 calorie budget. I'm 5'2" and trying to get to 118, currently 126. I have always weight myself daily because I love knowing I'm not putting on weight so to speak... But how do I calm down and not obsess over that scale?! I went up .2 lb this morning and I know that is nothing because it fluctuates but darn it I feel like this is so much work to try and lose 8 pounds lol I just want it gone! Help me calm down and not obsess over that freagin scale


  • sweetbug0130
    sweetbug0130 Posts: 125 Member
    Take pictures! Your body will change before that scale will. I only weigh once a week that counts. I weigh every day and tell myself "this is just to see how my body is reacting to what I'm doing, my real weigh in is Sunday" or whatever day you designate. It's hard but the scale is not the best measure of your progress.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Pics and measurements are good.

    Also try using one of those trend weight apps. They take your daily weights and track the trend. Might take the obsession out of weighing daily