So confused

So not sure if it should be in this thread but here goes.
Completely confused by how to calculate calorie amounts .
Currently 60 kg 5,3 inches and exercising 6 days ( 3 weights & 4 hiit ).
Want to loose fat rather than just weight but keep either eating too much or too little . realise exercise calories are usually over estimated but I am always starving and can't help thinking I wouldn't snack as much as I do ??
Any advice would be good .


  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    U should enter your stats into mfp... Then get your self an HR monitor so you're clear on your hiit cals, log those manually, eat 75% of them back
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited August 2016
    Have you set up your mfp diet profile? You don't have too much to lose as you're right at the top of your healthy BMI, so set a loss of around .5 kilos or less per week. For exercise calories, yes, mfp overestimates. What I do (when I search for the exercise and enter the time) is change the calories to around 1/3-1/2 of what mfp says, then eat those back to keep the deficit.

    Also, if you don't already, find and start a resistance/ progressive weight lifting program to preserve as much of your muscle as possible and eat adequate protein for your weight (edit..I see you are doing weights...what program?.. (I think it is .6g protein per kilo of body weight...not 100% sure).. Someone will come along with the correct info.
  • fionawimhurst441
    fionawimhurst441 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks have set it up but the initial goals have been lost in the ether somewhere !! Had a bit of an epiphany last year after years of dieting to just loose weight so now am way out my depth and not really sure where to go with it