Cauliflour Rice and Stirfrys - help needed

Hi All

I want to try Cauliflour rice/cous cous but what could I add it too or have it with?

Also, how do you make a stirfry? I know that sounds silly but at the supermarket I picked up some stirfry vegetables but had no idea what I was going to do with them so put them back haha!

Thanks, Kel


  • louann_jude
    louann_jude Posts: 307 Member
    I have tried the cauliflower rice on a few occasions and it was ok but not a great substitute. I still want the real stuff.

    hope this article helps with the stir fry
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited September 2016
    Don't over-complicate a stir fry. The pre-cut stir veg labeled as for a stir fry might save time, but there's nothing special about that mix and it costs more that way. Just pick out some vegetables that you think would work together (I did one last night and had onions, green pepper, a jalapeno, carrots, broccoli, red cabbage, and mushrooms -- I always work with what I have at home so will use a huge variety of different veg).

    If you have a wok, great, but you can also just pan fry it in a little oil (I use just a tiny bit on a non-stick skillet). For that -- and I admit this might pain those into traditional wok stir fries, but oh well :-) -- add in a protein, cut into smaller pieces (I used tofu last night). Put things in the pan based on how long they will take. Season as you normally would -- I actually love Japanese 7 spice for stir fries if you can get that, and I added cilantro too, and some rice vinegar, but whatever sounds good.

    I'm not a purist at all, obviously -- when I was overrun with corn I used it instead of rice. (I like my cauliflower in larger chunks and needed more calories than it would give me, so tend to prefer some kind of grain if not rice, but the cauliflower rice would work fine).