Depressed & disgusted



  • ultra_violets
    ultra_violets Posts: 202 Member
    You can do it! I'm 46 and a type 2 diabetic. I started at about 226 and I'm down to 197 so far. I refuse to eat anything I don't like, I make sure I have snacks like yogurt and fresh fruit to keep the sweet tooth at bay and I try to eat high protein/low carb. I average 1000-1200 calories a day and I don't feel deprived. I have one treat day a week, and I bicycle for exercise. You can do it. You just need to find a lifestyle you can live with.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Hi. I'll be 57 this year and have been trying to get below 200 lbs and maintain it there but no luck I started at 225 went down to 214 and now back up to 22 :'( . I track my food (well i try too but cheat a lot) I try walking a couple times a week but don't keep it up cause i get bored and my back starts hurting. Wow what a cry baby I am. Trying to reach out for inspiration and motivation. Thanks.

    This is something you're going to have to really work on, first and foremost. All that is needed for weight loss is a calorie deficit, so if you eat at the calories that myfitnesspal gave you, you will lose weight. However, using a food scale instead of cups/spoons will help to get you to weight loss. Estimating and sporadic logging will only go against you here.

    If you're finding yourself cheating, perhaps look at your approach. Have you cut many foods or entire food groups out of your diet? If you have, this could be a problem. Personally, every time I cut out my favourite foods (even chocolate), I would end up cheating more and more and screwing my efforts. Now I include my favourite foods/treats alongside my nutritious foods and am losing weight and am happy. Another thing to look at is your calories. How many pounds do you have to lose? If it is under 50lbs, then a 2lb per week loss is to aggressive and can cause one to cheat as well. Chose a deficit that reflect the amount of weight that you have to lose (more than 50lbs to lose? Chose 2lbs per week, anything under 50lbs chose 1.5-.5lbs per week).

    Also, make sure that you're getting enough protein, fiber and fats in your diet.

  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member

    Your and most failing dieters' problem comes down love foods too much, to the point that it's detrimental, abusive. It may not be all your fault because you might never have looked at it that way, never tried to change "that relationship". Basically you unwittingly let it thrive and then now trying to reign it in!

    To me, tracking foods, counting calories, selecting foods is all bandage "solutions". This reminds me of the task of pulling out weeds in a fertile garden. You try to get all the weeds out but then fertilize the soil again. Too much work and it has to be done regularly!

    I got to the core of the problem. I use my energy to tune out eating, work out which days to eat heartily and what days to eat "light", discipline and suppress my appetite (techniques and strategies abound), which is not different than we condition ourselves not to get up at 3am to eat.

    When your cravings, hunger and energy level are under control, eating/weight control becomes very natural and seemingly effortless.

    You don't need inspiration or motivation. You need to put your effort where it's necessary.