male 40's losing weight after running injuries

I've had success at WW before, but thought I'd try the (free) MFP method this time.

I'm now in my late 40's. In my mid 30's I let me weight creep up to 225 (male 5' 11") and dropped it back down to 165 using WW. I then took up running for the first time in my life and kept if off for 10 years via running. I really enjoyed it, and managed to do a dozen marathons, and other longer runs. Finally the inevitable happened, and a foot injury (plantar fasciitis) sidelined me for a year.

The year of non-running combined with sticking to runner's diet :blush: ... Well you know how that goes.

My start weight was 192, and I'm at 185 now. I'd like to see the low 160's. This time I need to do with with much less focus on running. I do biking and other cardio, combined with a tiny bit of running.

It's been tough ... the sudden reduction of calories ... the lack of the runner's high, you know. I do have to say though that seeing weight reduction is a real mood enhancer, hope to see more!

Best of luck everybody, I'm rooting for you all!!