
Hi I'm new to MFP, trying out new things......this post menopausal weight is a "B"......just want to loose 20-30 lbs.....any ideas?


  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Use the Apps feature and find your RMR. Don't set your calories below that. Log every day, be honest, exercise a bit, and then just wait for the pounds to come off. You'll lose faster in the beginning and slower the closer you get to your goal. It takes time. It's calories in vs. calories out = In < out. Good luck!
  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    I couldn't have said it better. I am by no means a clean eater. Nor do I promote clean eating. There are many in here who feel "clean" eating is the only way to lose weight. Clean eating is a nice goal, and it may very well be much more healthy than eating the stuff I eat, but it is not necessary to eat clean to lose weight.

    i firmly believe someone could eat nothing but Snickers bars and lose weight, if they burned more than they ate. I am not promoting that diet by any means. But it would work.

    Good Luck.
  • alnokc
    alnokc Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is to make some better choices, more exercise. I know that I need to be more consistent and sign on to mfp every day and enter my info and keep plugging away at it. I really want to live a healthier & more active life. I'm gonna be 50 yrs old in a few months, I really want to be more active in this part of my life than I have been in the past.
  • BevBasil
    BevBasil Posts: 37 Member
    It is a *****! I'm almost halfway there. Trying to get rid of a total of 55 pounds. I'm really tired of those extra slices of pizza, bowls of ice cream and what ever else camping out on my *kitten*!