Hi from Italy!

Hello everyone,
I'm a 28 years old girl from Italy. I'm using MFP just to lose a few pounds, but it's the first time I ever tried to lose weight or to limit my food intake, so I'll be using the forum for advice!
I'm 157 cm tall (it should be around 5'2"), and at the moment I weight 55kg (121-122 lb); this means I'm not overweight, but I would like to drop a few pounds, to arrive ideally to 50kg (110lb).
As I said, I've never tried to actively lose weight, and I never dieted too. Until 10 years ago I was steady at 48kg (106), then right after high-school my metabolism started to change, as did by body (I think is a natural moment of change for every girl), and then I began to gain weight, very slowly but steadily till now. I've long known that I had to start changing my eating habits, otherwise I was going to keep gaining and gaining, but I really didn't know how to. What made me actually do it now, is the fact that since February I started climbing, and with 5kg less it would be just so easier! :smile:
I started counting calories from 10 days ca, and it has been super useful, because I'm learning a lot, and now I'm trying to reduce my intake. I've read many advices here in the forum on how to use MFP at its best, and in a few days I'm also going to start going to the gym and strength training, both to help with the weight loss and to be a better climber.
Nice to meet you all, I think I'm going to stick around for a bit.
P.S. Please forgive my English, as I said, I'm not mother tongue.