Do you train in a fasted or fed state?



  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Depends where exercise fits in the day - an hour in the gym doesn't need fuelling from a recently eaten meal.

    If I'm cycling more than two hours then it will be fed not fasted.

    I first tried fasted training when doing an intermittent fasting eating style and it got far easier from feeling really hard to feeling exactly the same with the same performance levels.

    There's some adaptation to fasted exercise but a lot of it is simply habitual, it's easy to convince yourself that "I haven't eaten so I must have low energy".
  • Lesley2603
    Lesley2603 Posts: 119 Member
    Depends very much on timing, if I am lifting before work it is fasting, if I am lifting any later in the day I make sure I eat about 90 mins beforehand, just can't face eating at 6am
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I like to eat while I'm working out. I know it's weird. But a nice rice krispie treat or combat crunch between squat sets is so nice.

    Yoo... same..sometimes I do candy between sets.

    I like to workout maybe an hour or two after a meal or large snack. Then I will usually have a coffee and some sugar to pump me up