Constipation and Gas - Please Help



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Here is what works for me.
    Keep sugar (refined or natural) to a minimum.
    If eating fruit eat fruit that is high in fiber.
    Drink PLENTY of water. Dehydration=constipation
    Exersize. It really does help me go regular.
    Eat bulky veggies raw (like broccoli) a couple times of day.

    Generally when making a life change :) it takes a few days for my body to detox and those problems become almost non exsistant.

    Hope that helps.

    This is good advice...............

    Also, add some yogurt. Sugar free, plain yogurt (add some fruit and vanilla to sweeten) also. Not that Activa, yoplait, dannon crap..........Some good yogurt like greek yogurt or an organic yogurt.........

    Your stomach may not have the enzymes yet to digest some of the foods you are now feeding it. The good news is, it will get better.........
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    So this was a great post and good timing for me. I've been off work for two days due to constipation. At this point, I feel it is chronic and I'm going to see a specialist about it soon. Ever since it's gotten warm outside, I've noticed it get worse because I don't eat the same things for breakfast in the summer as I do in the winter (oatmeal, primarily). Maybe I can force myself to eat the oatmeal.

    Thanks for the posting and the tips about probiotics. I'm a faithful water drinker, walker, and fiber supplement taker, so any additional info is appreciated. Good luck!

    I don't know if you have any other symtoms of hypothyroid, but constipation is a BIG symptom of it..............

    Other than the fatigue, constipation was one of my worst symptoms that cleared right up once I got on the medication.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I am currently dealing with this problem. This gives me a lot of ideas to try. Thanks.