Anybody out there that's been double whammied...breast cancer & Diabetes type 2??????

Hey guys,

I am just starting out...yet again... :s . I wanted to know if anyone is dealing with breast cancer recovery and boob reconstruction....with the added blessing of Type 2 diabetes??? Not that I am a complainer but....I am a little whiny about this combo....diabetes being the new addition (thanks cancer...arrrrg!!!)

My main reasons for posting is to...
  1. To get some "real women" info about your reconstruction journey (before, during and after)...I only have one left so but need to do something about that.
  2. To get some "great" diabetic recipes (that actually taste like food...not cardboard). I am severly alergic to onions, garlic, artificial sweeteners & basil.... so recipes in general are REALLY a chore to adapt for me and still taste anything close to what the recipe should because those ingredients tend to be the main taste profile in a TON of things. I have been "food challenged" for 30+ years so its' "old hat" for me. I guess you could say it's a love /hate relationship....with WAY more hate then love...sigh

    Thanks for your means a TON!!! Can't wait to hear to hear your stories

    The Uniboober