dont know which way to turn re. losing weight

a brief intro on me - I was VERY overweight in January and I have binge eating disorder

then I began the 5:2 diet and it worked well, I lost weight and felt ok - I lost around 1.5 stone even though I still had binges
however it caused me to have very bad throat/acid issues which culminated in having to see a consultant and stopping the fasting
no one on that forum seemed to believe me - they kept saying the reflux will go when you lose weight
well no - actually it BEGAN within a few days of my first fasts and continued for weeks afterwards

so I thought I would try the blood sugar diet
that seemed to suit me better, and I certainly felt less hungry
but although I continued to lose weight - it was NOTHING like what others were reporting on there

I am not diabetic, but I was still obese and it didn't matter what I tried, things didn't get better
in fact they got worse and worse
I tried going lower carb but that was hell
everyone on there seems to lose insane amounts of weight and have bags of energy
and when you say it doesn't happen - they assume you must be doing something wrong

I was doing what they were doing but it didn't work
I felt more and more unwell
my sleep has got worse
my energy less and less
and the weight loss very slow

to the point where I felt so terrible I have completely lost the plot and back to my bingeing and eating rubbish


(sorry for the shouting)

I am just desperate, I still have at least 3 stone to lose and I really don't know what to do now

ok that is the end of my emotional outpouring

anyone have any wise words?


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Just eat less of the foods you like, don't cut anything out.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited September 2016
    Use mfp, eat food you like, at a deficit... lose weight. It really is that simple...

    Do some exercise because a) you can eat more, and b) it's good for your health
  • AnabolicMind2011
    AnabolicMind2011 Posts: 211 Member
    You don't need these fad gimmicky diets
    Just eat less then you burn and you'll lose weight
    Calories in calories out
  • minniestar55
    minniestar55 Posts: 350 Member
    edited September 2016
    Use mfp, eat food you like, at a deficit... lose weight. It really is that simple...

    Do some exercise because a) you can eat more, and b) it's good for your health

    This. It isn't necessarily easy, if you have other issues, but it really is that simple. Don't bounce around diets. Plug your data into you MFP profile, select weekly goal ( perhaps start with 1lb), weight, measure, & log ALL your food. Stay at the calorie goal MFP gives you. You will lose weight if you exercise your self-discipline muscle & do this.

    Do physical exercise for health- heart, lungs, circulatory & pulmonary systems, bone strength, muscle it can improve your mood.

    It is this simple.

  • yuggybuggy
    yuggybuggy Posts: 20 Member
    I don't think I minded losing slowly - until I became surrounded, online, by people losing fast
    then it all got harder

    I know that my mental health causes major difficulties with it all

    I was logging all my food on mfp, but have stopped over the past couple of weeks

    I will go back to it and re set goals etc and try again

    it has been so nice to feel my ribs after so long, and not have swollen legs
    I badly don't want to go back there
  • yuggybuggy
    yuggybuggy Posts: 20 Member

    Comparison is the thief of joy [/quote]

    it is also the bane of my life
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Don't go on stupid diets.
    Don't listen to stupid people/try to do what stupid people do.
    Eat what you like when you need it. Stop when you have had what you needed.
    Don't eat to distract your emotions. Don't eat when distracted.
    Do get enough rest and sleep. Move for fun and well-being.
    Do seek professional help and/or go back to getting help and/or find someone better to help you with your eating disorder.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    yuggybuggy wrote: »
    I don't think I minded losing slowly - until I became surrounded, online, by people losing fast
    then it all got harder

    I know that my mental health causes major difficulties with it all

    I was logging all my food on mfp, but have stopped over the past couple of weeks

    I will go back to it and re set goals etc and try again

    it has been so nice to feel my ribs after so long, and not have swollen legs
    I badly don't want to go back there

    I think sometimes it looks fast from the other side. I, for one, lose weight in chunks. I could go 2 or 3 weeks with no movement and all of a sudden I'd lose 4-6 pounds all in a few days. If you noticed me do that one week, then someone else do it another week, it starts to look like everyone is dumping several pounds every week.

    relax. There's no hurry (and I understand because I was determined to go as quickly as possible too) but it's a marathon not a sprint, and there's nobody on the track but you.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    Relax, cut yourself some slack, give yourself a hug, set mfp to half a pound or one pound a week, and get back on the horse. You can do this.

    And stick around here, this is one of the only places online where low-and-slow weight loss is celebrated and quick fixes are not glorified.
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Don't try and be perfect... just get started.
    Use MFP to set yourself up with a moderate weight loss goal - half/one pound a week can be a good place to start.
    Log what you are eating every day, and aim to keep it under your goal. But if you eat more than you planned - log that too, and make a plan to get closer to your goal tomorrow.
    If you exercise, log that and eat some or all of those calories too.

    Do this for a month or so and see what the results are, then tweak things a little if you need to... you aren't likely to suddenly drop 15 pounds, maybe just 2 or 3 - but that's OK, it's much better more important to find something that works for you and that you can stick to for the long term.
  • pdm3547
    pdm3547 Posts: 1,057 Member
    It sounds to me like your real problem is your desire to lose he weight QUICKLY. For me, the solution to multiple failed attempts was to lower my expectations, and in fact, to convince myself that it's better to lose weight slowly.

    Welp. That sound was a lightbulb clicking on in my mind.....
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    3. I had to give myself permission to make mistakes. I couldn't call one bad pizza and beer day a reason to give up entirely. I had to learn to log and move on. Tomorrow is a new day!

    This was/is huge for me. I tend to be an "all or nothing" person. If my eating habits aren't "perfect," all is lost. But that's really not true. Consistency over time (with some blips here and there) are what's important.