Roller Coaster Ride

I've been a member of MyFitnessPal for a while now and originally lost 16 lbs. However, I've noticed that I get into moods where I have short-bursts of excitement towards exercising (generally after seeing some youtube video of a singer I like that's EXTRA skinny) and then over-exert myself, stop exercising for a while until it happens again. I've been on an uphill battle fighting my weight for the past decade after losing my brother (my best friend in the world) at only 31. I'm 33 now and obese. As a result of the added weight gain, I now have a plethora of medical problems including a foot degenerative disorder that I had since I was born but is getting worse due to the weight gain (MRI shows I have about 20% cartilage holding my bones together). As a result, walking or running hurts REALLY bad. I can handle doing the elliptical machine IF I put my mind to it but my feet are pretty much shot for the rest of the day. I do have a desk job which could be part of the culprit.

Anyways, I'm not posting this to have anyone feel sorry for me or anything, I just need some help staying on track. I do get depressed a lot when I look at myself in the mirror or when my pants don't fit. I need a realistic plan that will help me make realistic S.M.A.R.T. goals that I can see with my own eyes and start feeling good about. My doctor bluntly said I need to get up and get moving or else, I may have trouble walking period! That's scary to think about! I've always been a pretty healthy person until my brother died (weighed about 130 lbs for most of my life). I have been diagnosed with clinical depression as well. I feel like my life is turned upside down and this weight problem is the main reason. Can any help? Share ideas that maybe worked for you? I am motivated but at the same time, I need to have a plan that I can reward myself (not food wise!) when I reach a goal.

Thanks for reading. God bless!