Need help with weekend binging.


I only want to lose about half a stone, but finding it so difficult. My eating is clean during the week, always resisting treats in the office and I exercise 3-4 times.

BUT come the weekend I am out of control. I eat breakfast healthy and then it just goes downhill massively. I think because I know that I don't allow myself treats during the week I make the most of it on the weekend. But then again I'm scared of having treats during the week because I'm scared it'll make me put weight on. :(. For example last week, I lost 2lbs when I weighed myself on Friday, which is what my aim was... Then I weighed myself on Monday after the weekend and I'd put on 3lbs.

Does anyone have any advice or tips on how to maintain healthy eating on the weekend? I do try and do one gym session on the weekend and am usually pretty good with that so it really is just my eating.

Thank you


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited September 2016
    First of all, is your calorie deficit setup a little to high?

    Secondly allocate your calories (maybe pre-log) to allow a treat. Trust me when I say, restricting only back fires after a period of time.

    Third, if you have to allow yourself larger amount of calories on the weekend, you can bank calories (eat a little less during the week) to give you more on the weekends, or forgo the deficit on the weekends and/or offset the deficit a little with more activity.

    And the 3 pounds is water weight probably if you consume more carbs than usual, perhaps sodium, more food in the gut/waste not eliminated, stress because you over ate, etc..
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited September 2016
    It's all about calories. Allowing yourself a treat 7 days a week won't make you gain weight unless you are over your maintenance calories. Even "clean" eating (whatever your definition is) can make you gain weight, again if you are over your maintenance calories.

    Find something sustainable. If that's a treat 7 days a week, or a treat 5 days a's up to you. Weekends are hard(er) for me too. So I eat a little less during the week to give myself wiggle room on the weekend. This is called zig-zagging calories.

    3 pounds is 10,500 calories. Did you eat that much more than maintenance? If not, it could be water weight. Time of month, higher sodium day, sore muscles.....lots of reasons for water retention.