Post pregnancy weight loss and exercise

Goldie14 Posts: 16 Member
edited December 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Please help! How are you ladies adding exercise in daily with your lo's? I'm really struggling as my LO (6minths old) feeds so often, walking is all I can manage but with older children too it's a struggle to fit it in or get a balance. I need some good motivation. Feel free to add and inspire x


  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    it took me forever to start exercising again after baby. I tried a few times but was too hard after a certain age. I would walk a lot - even tried to do some bootcamp type things with a friend - we'd walk to a park, park the babies on a rug and do stuff like sit ups and what have you.

    Hard though - always having to stop and start.

    I only managed to get back to proper exercise when I went back to work and joined the gym at work
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 561 Member
    It's been hard for me too. Not sure how to start or where want to loose weight all.over but don't want to over do it as I had c-section.

    Goldie if you want we can have our own challenge where we start with basic abdominal exercise like for 10 min a daym
  • kittykj
    kittykj Posts: 1 Member
    When my baby was that young I found that the beach body cd were easiest to do. Set them down push play, pause, pop a breast in their mouth, set down and repeat lol. Try to do full body exercises like push ups and burpees. I stayed away from specific ab exercises to give that area time to heal.
  • pistachionuts
    pistachionuts Posts: 32 Member
    This morning I put my 3.5 month old in his bouncy chair whilst I danced in front of him. He thought it was hilarious. When my 3.5 yr old is around I try to walk to and from a range of kid friendly places with him on the buggy board and I still have to top off with a walk to get to my 10k steps after bedtime
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    Walking is good. Especially if you wear baby.

    Are there any fitness classes near you specifically for new moms? The semester after each of my boys was born, I took a fitness class at the university that was specifically geared for moms (and encouraged bringing baby along - in the stroller while young and playing on mats on the ground once older). It was great. I may even keep taking it even though I'm back to work and my youngest is in day care too. (I'm waiting until the last possible minute to sign up though so that I don't "steal" a spot from someone who needs to bring a baby.)

    My husband and I make a solid effort to get the toddler and us exercise after dinner every day - either going to the park (we can take turns walking with the baby/watching the toddler play - or we can bring both strollers and walk) or the mall or even just a big box store if it's yucky out. We also got a chariot to pull the boys behind us while biking. I can almost keep up with my husband (and his superior bike) if he has to pull an extra 70 pounds. :smile:
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Do you stay at home with your LO? If you do, is there a Rec center near you? Rec centers usually have great child care and it would give you some much needed, "Mommy time."
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    I only have one so I realize it's different with multiples. But when I was home with him I always exercised during his morning nap because that was the one that was most certain. I started after 6 weeks post partum. I've been back to work since he was 13 weeks old (he is now 18 months) and I get my workout and shower in before he wakes up. Back when he was still feeding during the night I was often interrupted to feed but now I get it in. I get up at 4:50 to get it in. I need my workout for my mental health as well so I make sure it's done before the day gets crazy
  • tridentinefan
    tridentinefan Posts: 9 Member
    I homeschool my five kids (ages 1 to 9) and have always struggled with this question. I feel like I constantly improvise, adapt, and overcome. One key for me is waking up early enough to work out before most kids are awake. Lately, I've been in a groove of taking the 1- and 3-year-olds with me in the stroller for a walk, leaving the other kids at home getting their own cereal and milk if they wake up (Daddy is home and asleep, so they're safe). I've done videos in front of them. I'll do the stairmaster at home, letting them watch a video. I assign olders to watch littler ones. One has to get very creative!
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Yea this is a tough one. Today my kids napped at the same time so I was lucky to get a workout in.. otherwise I will keep my oldest occupied with a TV show while my baby (7 months) naps. If he isn't having his nap I keep him in a small playpen next to my basement gym. If he still isn't happy I will instead do a band workout around him while he crawls around.

    Worst case I workout at night after they are both in bed. You could also do early mornings if that works for you.
  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    I have a two year old and a six month old so I understand the struggle. The key for me has been making it a priority and finding the best time when I won't be consistently interrupted. My baby is often up at 5:30 so that makes morning workouts difficult and my kids don't nap at the same time. I usually aim to do it in the evening when my son goes to bed. I sometimes have to stop to cuddle the baby because she usually wants mommy snuggles but I try my best to get it in. I also try to go on walks to the park and other toddler friendly activities.
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