Third time's the charm!

Well, here I am again at MFP. First time I joined was in 2011, and I lost 65 lbs. in one year. Hit a wicked plateau and couldn't lose any more...very frustrating. My stress-eating habits crept back and I gained back what I had lost over the course of the next couple years...with a bit extra to boot. No one's fault but my own. Joined MFP again in 2014 and found my metabolism was shot to hell. I was eating less, working out harder, and still not losing. Gave up and didn't care.

Now I care. I miss being lighter and more energetic. I was off my BP meds at one time, now I am back on them. So, I am back to MFP for the the third time to do this thing right for a lifetime!

Looking for pals and inspiration form those who have fallen off the wagon but got back on!


  • akilia112010
    akilia112010 Posts: 46 Member
    This is my third time trying to diet and get in shape this yr. The first time I tried was for a Florida vacation. I dieted and exercised twice a day for two weeks and somehow gained 20 lbs. Then I tried the military diet (twice) and now I'm just trying to watch how many calories I eat and find workouts that I enjoy doing. I hope that a the third time's a charm saying workouts for you and me both!
  • mel35645
    mel35645 Posts: 267 Member
    I lost over 40 pounds about 4 years ago, kept if off for a few years and have managed to pack 18 of those pounds back on, so I am back here on MFP, trying to be active not the forums (as I find it helps keep me more focused) and trying to get back on track. Let me know if I can help support you in this journey, we are all in it together.