Anyone else 80/10/10?



  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Why do people try to over complicate this weight loss thing...
  • GetYourFruitOn
    I cannot imagine eating that much fruit as well. I am more looking at the low fat raw vegan aspect of it, there's no way I could consume fruit in those amounts :P
    First off I want to say congratulations for wanting to make a change. And while we may not all agree on one diet specifically..thats okay because everyone is different, and what may work for me may not work for you.

    That being said I think you should really look at the health factors involved with this diet. It is one thing to lose weight and embark on a journey, and another to be seriously hurting your nutrition.

    So... I am not saying this diet is not for you, but I am saying make sure it's right for your health

    Thank you! I should have been more clear in my initial post. I am not going to eat JUST fruits but yes I completely agree about overall nutrition.
    Why do people try to over complicate this weight loss thing...

    It's not about the weight loss as much as overall health. I previously lost about 60 lbs by just counting calories, working out, etc. However, I was eating processed food containing sugar alcohols and other chemicals that I no longer want to eat. Being healthy isn't just about losing weight, I don't want to lose weight on chemical junk again. I want to have a diet rich in plant foods. I have eaten meat my entire life, but lately it just sickens me. This of course is after watching several documentaries on the things they do to animals - so sad! Granted I buy my beef from a local place, I can't even eat it lately.
  • ngyoung
    ngyoung Posts: 311 Member
    "Even animals that eat low-fat foods actually have high-fat diets. The food that goes into the mouth of a cow or a gorilla is low in fat. However, once that food is inside the digestive tract of a gorilla or cow (both substantially different than a human digestive tract), the fiber and cellulose in the plant matter is fermented into fat. Although many animals put low-fat food into their mouths, one way or another, they end up absorbing a lot of fat.

    You and I (humans), on the other hand, don’t have the same capability to ferment fiber and cellulose in our guts, so we’re stuck needing to eat foods that are already high in fat."
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    If you want to go vegan for ethical reasons, there are a lot of healthy ways to do it.

    But this specific diet -- I've researched it before. There are a lot of reviews from people around the webs saying that it's the best way they've ever eaten, they feel wonderful, they feel so so happy, life is overflowing with rainbows and kittens.

    But there are other reviews around the internet (although not on the main diet forums -- people have complained about censorship there, but that is another story) from people who say 'I ate this diet and loved it, and then after a couple of years I couldn't keep weight on/my teeth suddenly started falling out/my skin completely lost its elasticity/etc.'

    I would look at both the positive and the negative reviews. I will also point out that most of the issues people have had occurred after a significant amount of time on the diet.

    If you do decide to go with this, I would keep a close eye out for the problems other people had mentioned. Some people on this diet have said that their teeth are just fine and attributed it to eating loads of greens rather than just fruit. I would also supplement with B12.
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    The body needs healthy fat and protein to function. I can't see this diet being sustainable, especially if there is any exercise involved. You will be crying for basic nutrients. I would not recommend going below 20% fat (heathy fats, like avocado, fish oil, olive, etc) and 20% protein at a bare minimum. You need to synthesize all sorts of enzymes, hormones, steroids, neurotransmitters, etc. and you will likely become ill if you do not feed the body what it is genetically programmed to require.

    Balance, not extremes, leads to health. I say this not only as someone who is on my own path to fitness, but as a preventive medicine physician.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Why do people try to over complicate this weight loss thing...

    It's the "magic bullet" theory.

    If I wanted to sell books or become famous then I would need to come up with some wild a** scheme for weight loss that no one else has come up with yet. I would need to be controversial to get the appropriate attention.
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,879 Member
    The OP does not want to hear sensible and logical advice based on experience and reality.

    She will do this fad diet and learn the hard way.
  • anybodys_fruit
    anybodys_fruit Posts: 17 Member
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member

    that bump tho.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,998 Member
    The OP does not want to hear sensible and logical advice based on experience and reality.

    She will do this fad diet and learn the hard way.

    Apparently you can't read either :)

    Makes me wonder what they are teaching these days. Obviously manners, respect and thoughtfulness are lacking. It never ceases to amaze me at how people are so quick to judge and make rude comments to people they don't know because it's the internet. Human decency is definitely on a decline. The point of just making rude remarks is? I sure hope this isn't how you teach your children.
    You being the exception to that rule I suppose. I believe there are raw vegan groups here that will embrace and encourage just about any protocol, maybe try there, because most here would never approve of such a diet. good luck.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    The OP does not want to hear sensible and logical advice based on experience and reality.

    She will do this fad diet and learn the hard way.

    Apparently you can't read either :)

    Makes me wonder what they are teaching these days. Obviously manners, respect and thoughtfulness are lacking. It never ceases to amaze me at how people are so quick to judge and make rude comments to people they don't know because it's the internet. Human decency is definitely on a decline. The point of just making rude remarks is? I sure hope this isn't how you teach your children.
    You being the exception to that rule I suppose. I believe there are raw vegan groups here that will embrace and encourage just about any protocol, maybe try there, because most here would never approve of such a diet. good luck.

    (check the date)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,998 Member
    The OP does not want to hear sensible and logical advice based on experience and reality.

    She will do this fad diet and learn the hard way.

    Apparently you can't read either :)

    Makes me wonder what they are teaching these days. Obviously manners, respect and thoughtfulness are lacking. It never ceases to amaze me at how people are so quick to judge and make rude comments to people they don't know because it's the internet. Human decency is definitely on a decline. The point of just making rude remarks is? I sure hope this isn't how you teach your children.
    You being the exception to that rule I suppose. I believe there are raw vegan groups here that will embrace and encourage just about any protocol, maybe try there, because most here would never approve of such a diet. good luck.

    (check the date)
    Yeah, I saw that after. I guess the search feature works. I'll still maintain my view on it though.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    lol @ this being unsustainable...
    yeah eating **** loads of food you love is totally unsustainable....
    LINIA Posts: 1,072 Member
    Good Luck with your idea of eating 80% of your meals from Veggies and Fruits, then 10% lean protein and 10% healthy fat---no, i haven't done this but it seems to be a great balance of healthy and nutritious foods, this message board post will give you some supportive MFP friends, once again GL:
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Only 20% of the diet is composed of the actual essential
  • HoneydewLouu
    HoneydewLouu Posts: 18 Member
    I follow the 80/10/10 diet :)
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member

    Was there a prayer? I want to see the 94/3/3 diet and folks posting how improved their blood work was prior to starting the diet. OP best of luck on this awesome diet. Be prepared to cut and slice a lot of foods, all the best.
  • fitness_faeiry
    fitness_faeiry Posts: 354 Member
    The body needs healthy fat and protein to function. I can't see this diet being sustainable, especially if there is any exercise involved. You will be crying for basic nutrients. I would not recommend going below 20% fat (heathy fats, like avocado, fish oil, olive, etc) and 20% protein at a bare minimum. You need to synthesize all sorts of enzymes, hormones, steroids, neurotransmitters, etc. and you will likely become ill if you do not feed the body what it is genetically programmed to require.

    Balance, not extremes, leads to health. I say this not only as someone who is on my own path to fitness, but as a preventive medicine physician.


    The body needs healthy fat and protein to function. Its science.