Wanting a Few Encouraging Friends!

lizreed12 Posts: 11 Member
I joined MFP last year, but had some issues with harassment on my old account, so I created a new one to start fresh. I first decided to lose weight when I got my wedding photos back from the photographer and became painfully aware of just how much I had let myself go. I flipped through the pictures and cried because of how terrible I looked, squeezed into that dress like a stuffed sausage. I was thin throughout high school, but somewhere along the way I just lost control. And it doesn't help that my hubby is an ex-football player who can eat whatever he wants and not gain an ounce.... we just like to eat, dangit!

Anyways...... I have lost about 20 lbs and would like to lose about 30 more. I had hoped to be at goal weight by my first anniversary (this Friday!) but I had a 4 month long pity party a this spring and I'm just getting back into the swing of things! I would like to build up a new circle of pals to help encourage me, and keep me in the game. I try to comment as much as I can, but I would like to keep my friends list at a reasonable number so I can keep up with everyone and really get to know them.

Also, I work at a bakery and make cupcakes and other sweets for a living, so have pity on me when you see the weekly lemon bar in my diary... I'm not a "clean eater" by any means, but my diet is infinitely better than it used to be! ;)

Friend me!


  • sweetlyybroken
    sweetlyybroken Posts: 209 Member
    I'd be glad to help encourage you and anyone else! :)
  • Hi!

    I have recently just graduated high school and am going on to college at the end of august. This being said I would love to get in the best shape of my life, not by the time I start college because that would be unrealistic, but more just on my way happy and feeling better about myself than I do right now. I am a workout fanatic, but my diet it absolutely horrible that it is holding me back from any real progress. I don't want to be stuck in this rut anymore, and I've found that the best way to help myself is to have some awesome people who are on this journey with me and to hold me accountable for my bad eating :) I would love to give encouragement and advice to anyone who needs it!! I've lost a little over 10 pounds already, but am currently slowly heading back toward my old weight. I would love to lose about 20 pounds to start with, and see what happens from there! I hope to get to know some of you awesome people!!!!

  • Hi! :)
    I'm going to send you a request. Anyone else, feel free to add me as well!
  • Kryssy8140
    Kryssy8140 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey People!

    I'm also very active on MFP and love adding other friends that can be supportive and helpful throughout this weight loss journey! Feel free to add me as well! Just a little about me I'm 30 years old and my goal is to lose about 50 pounds! I've been eating healthy and on this journey for about 4 weeks now and I'm LOVIN it!

  • miri17k
    miri17k Posts: 27 Member
    I would love to be friends! feel free to add me.
  • tessi1993
    tessi1993 Posts: 186 Member
    feel free to add mr! (:
  • Kassidi21
    Kassidi21 Posts: 267 Member
    Feel free to at me =) I'm on pretty well everyday! more friends = more encouragement!! =D
  • Welcome back to hopefully a harass free environment. I am needing to lose the equivilant of a person (160ish pounds) and could use as many friends to keep my backside in line when I decide to do stupid things with food. :). Best of luck in your journey!
  • briersting
    briersting Posts: 21
    Welcome back! Feel free to add me (that goes for anyone else too :smile:). I wish you all luck on your journeys. Keep Pressing Play!
  • PinkyLilac
    PinkyLilac Posts: 52 Member

    I work in a coffee shop so know how hard it can be!I have a lot to loose so far 9lbs off in 2 weeks!!

    Feel free to add me we can support each other :o)
  • Eri_92
    Eri_92 Posts: 4

    I'm new to MFP and I would love to be your friend as well! :) We can do this!
  • DalalMutar
    DalalMutar Posts: 97
    I try to be as much encouraging as possible. You can add me, everyone.
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    Congrats on restarting your journey. We all go through those periods of pity partying. It doesn't get any easier when you get older but we all do what we can. You can add me if you want to, I would be happy to support you on your way.


  • Adylia16
    Adylia16 Posts: 31 Member
    Would love to have a helping hand. I do not like having my regular friends involved (I have tried dieting so much that they are probably sick of hearing it). :ohwell:
    I am in my 20s and have 50kg to lose.
    Add me if you want some support xx
  • Hey feel free to add me :) anyone !
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    Feel free to friend me. Like you I have lost 20 lbs. with 30 more to go. I have also had a few bumps along the way. I am not a clean eater. I will eat sweets because I live in the real world. Why not enjoy life! I have also had some bad mfp friends who demeaned my diary instead of realizing that I was still losing weight. Instead of encouraging my weight loss, they kept nagging about what I was eating. I try to support!
  • massage_gal
    massage_gal Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! I would love to add you, and I will. I believe in mutual support, so PLEASE support me as well. Most of my MFP friends have fallen off the wagon and don't comment back, and it's really frustrating.

    I have a few key supporters out there, and they make all the difference for me. Anyone else, please feel free to add me as well if you want a mutually supportive friend.

    I have been on here about 10 months, and recently recovering from a bad plateau as well as a car accident that left me partially injured and unable to weight-lift, which was really helping me lose weight. I am back on schedule now, part-way (there are a few exercises I cannot do with arm injury).

    I am almost to my goal weight, but my progress has been really slow this past month or so. I worry about gaining back, too. So I will be on here a long time. I am a dedicated friend, and even if it takes me until the next day to comment on your postings, don't lose faith in me. I sleep at odd hours and usually get on early in the morning and later in the afternoon.