Being authentic

I know that for many it's about calories in / calories out. Have weight to lose weather it's a lot or a little can be a daunting task with tireless effort and often times little results! But I wanted to post some motivational thoughts...

There was a time when just the thought of eating something that I considered "off limits" would have thrown me into a fearful, anxious, guilty and overwhelmed state of being. I would have said "Hell no, but thank you anyway". I couldn't possibly allow myself to indulge in even a tiny morsel of a little piece of forbidden foods! We all know what they are LOL!

I was, for a long time, my own food restriction prisoner.

But guess what, when you live to restrict, you end up out of balance and disconnected to your true nature. You end up subconsciously devaluating yourself. You lose trust in your ability to connect to your own needs, your intuition, your wisdom, your strength, your common sense and your power over silly little things.

My value is not measured by the size of my waist or the number on a scale and neither is yours. Screw that... We are not on this earth to be perfect, we are here to be real, to be happy and to experience life. We are here to lift each other up no matter what our beautiful imperfections may be.

Now, I'm not saying to go out and just throw caution to the wind eating anything and everything you want.

My hope is that as you continue on your weight loss journey and as you carefully plan and prep your meals, weighing and measuring, you can take a little piece of this post with you and not be so hard on yourself the next time someone offers your a delightful cookie :smile:

Much love...