Low carb diet?



  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Low carb is not necessary. Eat proper macros, and at a proper calorie intake for your activity level and you will lose weight. Ketogenic diets are not necessary, but it's completely preference.


    Unless you have a medical reason to go low carb or like low carb so much that it will be a new "lifestyle" for you .... there's no reason to do it.

    Sure, I can do low carb for awhile ..... but then I have to start over in a sense ..... when I try to figure out how to keep the weight I've lost (low carbing) off.

    When coming off a low carb diet you have to slowly add in the Carbs. Like adding in +10 Carbs per week until you find your sweet spot where you're not putting back on weight. On a standard ketogenic diet you trained your body to use fat sourcrs as energy so you have to do the same with Carbs when coming off, but very slowly...

    this is where most people fail when maintaining their new weight..
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Carbs are often high calorie and low long term satiety

    Protein is often lower calorie with higher long term satiety

    If you are watching your overall calorie consumption, then you may find it easier to eat at a deficit because of the higher long term satiety.

    Maintaining a consistent calorie deficit is the key, so if low carbs / high protein helps you manage that deficit, then yes it will work for you.

    I love mashed potatoes... but I hate feeling hungry... So I have swapped out the potatoes for more meat. Not because potatoes are "bad", but more because I want to use those calories smarter to keep me happier. :)

    This is exactly what I have been doing lately. I feel less starved and have more energy. I love mashed cauliflower. :)
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    So what's everyone's macros looking like, specifically how much fat ?
  • kaykaylyn
    kaykaylyn Posts: 84 Member
    One thing low carbing taught me was fat, in the absence of starchy carbs, does not make you fat. It is the combination of fat and sugar, fat and pasta, fat and flour, etc, that does. The more fat I ate, the more fat I lost. Sounds contrary, but thats What happened. For someone WHO loves carbs, good and bad,, like me lol, its hard to stick to Long term.
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Macros = 65% fats, 30% proteins, 5% Carbs

    Unless it's a refeed day then

    Macros = 70% Carbs, 20% proteins, 10% fats
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    If you dont have a medical reason then you dont need to do low carb

    low carb helps me keep my PCOS/insulin resistance at bay, my health is more important than a seconds taste.

    If you want to do low carb, go to the groups they are alot more supportive towards lowcarbing and keto'ing.

    I find low carbing, even though its highish fat helps keep you in calories cause you are fuller for longer so you snack less. Plus legumes didnt agree with me either.

    Stuff I used to love is now too sweet and I cant stomach it anymore, your tastes changes.
  • I have a question... I did low carb diet for seven days eating only twenty gram carbs and one day at the evening I couldn't control myself and ate tons of fruit and when I woken up this morning I got one kilo back and my stomach was swollen ( I mean , never had such a big stomach before.
  • benjib84
    benjib84 Posts: 125
    The low carb diet i find works the best for sustained loss is the simplest....

    The Evil 5 - simply cut out Pasta, Rice, Bread, Cereal and Potatoes... everything else is fine.

    If youre struggling with cravings, try Bulgar Wheat as that gives you the nice carby feeling. Its a good substitute for rice and goes with anything.

    The good thing is you can still get the carbs your body needs with all the other fruit and veg etc
  • Humbugsftw
    Humbugsftw Posts: 202 Member
    I'm on keto at the moment. I enjoy it because it's a nice change of pace. But I won't be on it forever. WIll be slowly reintroducing carbs once I've hit my halfway point.
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    Low carb = water weight loss

    You will be surprised how much water the body can hold.