New here and thought I'd say 'Hi'

Hello MFP world.
I've been here a few days putting around the site. I'm looking forward to the encouragement of others' stories...I guess to 'fellowship'.

I found out in 2009 I needed to change my eating habits to reverse the affects of an unhealthy lifestyle (SAD diet) causing fat accumulation in the liver. I slowly changed my diet over the years but it really wasn't good enough...the carb craving thing and how cheap pasta is (single parent and two tween boys) kind of coerced me to veer off the 'better' path.

My chiropractor pressed me over a couple weeks that I needed to take things up a few notches and become serious. He gave me a percentage of what my diet should constitute of and follow it. I googled everything I could find and began that evening. I started out gaining 3 lbs., not really having a good handle on what a 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbohydrate diet actually was.

I did follow back up with the chiro for a little more guidance. Since then, I have been living the Keto life. August 22 of this year. Those two little weeks, felt like a MONTH. I hate not being able to eat whatever I want. I feel OCD trying to follow this diet. I love being carefree. With that being said, that's how I'm in the business of owning a 'fatty liver'. I really do feel better. I don't have chronic pain in my legs and knees anymore, but I really hate obsessing over every little thing I eat.

So, here I am. New, kind of tired, and overwhelmed.
