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Are we unfairly bashing foods that contain genetically modified organisms (G.M.O. foods)?



  • frammis4242
    frammis4242 Posts: 25 Member
    GMO bashers = people who don't know what GMOs are. The act of agriculture itself is genetic modification.

    Source - Jewish Scientists
  • Alienique
    Alienique Posts: 122 Member
    Yes, and it's not surprising given that most people don't even know what genetic modification entails. If they did, they'd know it's not all sterilized lab settings, radiation-induced mutations, mutagen injections and freaky hybridization. People have been genetically selecting and breeding organisms since the beginning of agriculture.
  • ConeheadAlpha
    ConeheadAlpha Posts: 2 Member
    I believe lab modifications could potentially be hazardous, but not in the way it is currently being used. People hear "potentially hazardous" and then companies relying on smaller farms use those words as a scare tactic to retain their business.
  • Sloth2016
    Sloth2016 Posts: 846 Member
    What is all this ruckus about Genetically Modified Orgasms, anyway?

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    Are we unfairly bashing foods that contain genetically modified organisms (G.M.O. foods)?

    Yes or no? Please explain.

  • seekingdaintiness
    seekingdaintiness Posts: 137 Member
    Yes, it's just part of the ridiculous hippie anti-modernism cult.
  • alisonadame
    alisonadame Posts: 8 Member
    How do you explain the astronomical rise in deadly food allergies? We are seeing numbers now that were unheard of before the proliferation of GMO foods. So the lunches that we were raised on (PB&J) are virtually outlawed in my children's schools.

    Genetic modification is NOT the same as cross-breeding within species! A labradoodle is still a dog. Taking fish genes and splicing them with tomato genes is creating a new life form that Nature did not intend. To assume that that is a safe practice is incredibly careless. Why do you think so many countries have outlawed GMO foods? It's because is has not yet been proven to be safe. So why do Americans think they can take chances with their health?